The grown-up Anne of Green Gables, her husband, and their six children live in a special hideaway known as Rainbow Valley.
A collection of letters by one of the nation's greatest writers and poets includes Davies's correspondence with John Gielgud, Margaret Atwood, and Salvador Dali, among many others.
Tresor Dans Le Grenier (Rat de Bibliothique: Rouge, #12)
by Nathalie Bertrand
Acclaimed writer Richard Rosenbaum's short stories range in genre from realism to speculative, and stylistically from literary to experimental. In his stunning first collection of short fiction, Things Don't Break, readers will discover stories about relationships, robots, videogames, the moon, giant evil chickens, and more.
Viens Voir Mon Ecole (Petits Curieux, #6)
by Denise Gaouette, Margaret Clyne, Rachel Griffiths, and Cynthia Benjamin
Collection documentaire a saveur didactique regroupant des textes simples et des activites sous quatre series gradees par niveaux de difficulte et "adaptee[s] selon les principes reconnus de l'apprentissage de la lecture". (cf. quatrieme de couverture). On propose d'y explorer un theme par album correspondant aux objectifs d'un programme de formation (univers social, sciences et technologie, arts), a travers des notions et activites touchant certaines competences transversales, disciplines et pa...