The first book to be set in the new Richler typeface, commissioned by Random House of Canada Limited and Jack Rabinovitch in memory of Mordecai. Mordecai Richler’s final book pays homage to his personal heroes and celebrates a writer’s love of sport with his trademark irascibility, humour and acuity. Even while writing his bestselling novels, Mordecai Richler nurtured his obsession with sports, writing brilliantly on ice hockey, baseball, salmon fishing, bodybuilding, and wrestling for such p...
A Kiss Beside the Monkey Bars
by Sultan Ameerali, Associate Professor Jennifer Lee, and Kwai Li
Featuring trusted series editor Christopher Doda and acclaimed guest editor Joseph Kertes, this eighth installment of Canada's annual volume of essays showcases diverse nonfiction writing from across the country. Culled from leading Canadian magazines and journals, The Best Canadian Essays 2016 contains award-winning and award-nominated nonfiction articles that are topical and engaging and have their finger on the pulse of our contemporary psyches.
L'Equilibriste Noel Tremblay
by Noel Tremblay Nt and Maerlyn Tremblay Mt
Ici, ecrire rime avec reflechir, et avec exister. Brefs, compacts et charges, ces vingt-cinq essais philosophiques, qui entremelent contemplation, opinion, souvenir, et sont magnifiquement couronnes d'exergues tires de la grande litterature universelle. Ils traduisent une urgence existentielle d'immortaliser noir sur blanc sa pensee, une febrilite de dire a peine dissimulee dans la main qui tient le stylo, mais aussi un poids de vivre devant le temps qui passe trop vite. D'un essai a l'autre,...
Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich (New Canadian Library S.) (New Canadian Library)
by Stephen Leacock
Of the many books by Canada’s most celebrated humorist, none has received more acclaim than his brilliant, caustic treatment of the glittering rich who gather at the Mausoleum Club on Plutoria Avenue. Today, Leacock’s pointed satire of the privileged class, and their social abuses and pretences, retains every ounce of its freshness and bite. An undisputed comic masterpiece, Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich reveals a depth of compassionate criticism rare in Leacock’s writings.
Le Droit constitutionnel canadien
by Suzanne Barbeau and Alphonse Barbeau
Arcadian Adventures with the Idle Rich (English Edition)
by Stephen Leacock