Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 12, Heft 1
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 13, Heft 2
The Fast and The Furious: Drivers, Speed Cameras and Control in a Risk Society presents a sociological and criminological perspective critical to understanding the driver's role at the centre of road safety interventions. Such an approach is, it is argued, as crucial to an understanding of attempts to reduce road crashes, deaths and injuries as approaching such questions from an engineering or educational perspective. The book offers an explanation for the continued debate about one road safet...
Lloyd's MIU Handbook of Maritime Security
Managing the ever-changing nature and cross-disciplinary challenges of the maritime sector demands a complete understanding of the special characteristics of the maritime space. The complexity of the operations of ships, ports, shipping companies, and naval and coast guard maritime security operations as well as the economic significance and the in
ADR applicable as from 1 January 2021 [flash drive]
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road is intended to increase the safety of international transport of dangerous goods by road. Regularly amended and updated since its entry into force, it contains the conditions under which dangerous goods may be carried internationally. This version has been prepared on the basis of amendments applicable as from 1 January 2019. It contains in particular new or revised provisions concerning transport of adsorbed...
Logistics and transport competitiveness in Kazakhstan
Improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan as a transport logistics centre at the crossroads of Europe and Asia could enable the country to unlock significant untapped benefits of growing cargo flows between the two continents. This study identifies the transport infrastructure and services available in Kazakhstan, reviews the country's extensive recent and future transport investments, and sets out recommendations to ensure its transport network is ready to harness the growth in inland transpo...
Social Issues in Transport Planning (Advances in Transport Policy and Planning)
Advances in Transport Policy and Planning assesses both successful and unsuccessful practices and policies from around the world on the topic.
Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DS-GVO) ist seit Mai 2018 unmittelbar anwendbar. Trotz einer OEffnungsklausel fur den Beschaftigtendatenschutz ergeben sich grosse Neuerungen zum Beispiel fur betriebliche Datenschutzbeauftragte. Ebenso besteht dadurch die Moeglichkeit, Regelungen durch Betriebsvereinbarungen zu treffen. Der Autor untersucht die europarechtlichen Vorgaben etwa hinsichtlich Zweckbindung, Profiling und Scoring und lotet den nationalen Gestaltungsspielraum und die Auswirkungen fur d...
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 8, Heft 3
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 15, Heft 5
Entscheidungen Des Ober-Seeamts Und Der Seeämter Des Deutschen Reichs. Band 12, Heft 2
These. Des Eaux Du Domaine Public A Rome. Faculte de Droit de Paris
by Pezeril-L
The Manual of Tests and Criteria contains criteria, test methods and procedures to be used for classification of dangerous goods according to the provisions of Parts 2 and 3 of the United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Model Regulations , as well as of chemicals presenting physical hazards according to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).It is updated and amended every two years. The amendments of the present publication...
Technology in Supply Chain Management and Logistics
by Anthony M Pagano and Matthew Liotine
Technology in Supply Chain Management and Logistics: Current Practice and Future Applications analyzes the implications of these technologies in a variety of supply chain settings, including block chain, Internet of Things (IoT), inventory optimization, and medical supply chain. This book outlines how technologies are being utilized for product planning, materials management and inventory, transportation and distribution, workflow, maintenance, the environment, and in health and safety. Readers...
The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN) done at Geneva on 26 May 2000 under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine (CCNR) has been in force since February 2008. This version has been prepared on the basis of amendments applicable as from 1 January 2019. The Regulations annexed to the ADN contain provisions concerning dangerous substances and...
Transportation, Land Use, and Environmental Planning examines the practices and policies linking transportation, land use and environmental planning needed to achieve a healthy environment, thriving economy, and more equitable and inclusive society. It assesses best practices for improving the performance of city and regional transportation systems, looking at such issues as public transit and non-motorized travel investments, mixed use and higher density urban development, radically transformed...
Dynamics and Stochasticity in Transportation Systems
by Giulio Cantarella, David Watling, Stefano De Luca, and Roberta Di Pace
Dynamics and Stochasticity in Transportation Systems: Solutions for Transportation Network Modeling breaks new ground on the topics, providing consistent and comprehensive coverage of steady state equilibrium and dynamic assignment within a common strategy. The book details the most recent advances in network assignment, including day-to-day and within-day dynamics, providing a solid foundation to help transportation planners solve transient overload and other problems. Users will find a book th...
Sustainable Urban Mobility Pathways
Sustainable Urban Mobility Pathways examines how sustainable urban mobility solutions contribute to achieving worldwide sustainable development and global climate change targets, while also identifying barriers to implementation and strategies to overcome them. Building on city-to-city cooperation experiences in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America, the book examines key challenges in the context of the Paris Agreement, UN Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda, including polic...