Corporate Liability for Insider Trading (The Law of Financial Crime)
by Juliette Overland
Corporate Liability for Insider Trading examines the reasons why there have been no successful criminal prosecutions, or successful contested civil proceedings, against corporations for insider trading, and analyses the various rationales for prohibiting insider trading. It reviews the insider trading regulatory regime and describes its key features, using both national and international examples. The book inspects a variety of criminal and civil models of corporate liability and considers the h...
The gripping story of one American lawyer’s obsessive crusade—waged at any cost—against Big Oil on behalf of the poor farmers and indigenous tribes of the Amazon rainforest. Steven Donziger, a self-styled social activist and Harvard educated lawyer, signed on to a budding class action lawsuit against multinational Texaco (which later merged with Chevron to become the third-largest corporation in America). The suit sought reparations for the Ecuadorian peasants and tribes people whose lives were...
Fire safety regulations have undergone their most significant change for over thirty years and owners of companies, employers, builders and landlords in UK face a seismic shift in liabilities and potential penalties. The responsibility for the safety of occupants and premises now lies with owners and employers. This invaluable new book draws on over thirty years of professional fire fighting, rescue and safety enforcement experience to provide a jargon-free practical guide to current liabilities...
Conflict, Social Capital and Managing Natural Resources
This book is the product of a six-year multi-disciplinary collaborative research program in sustainable agriculture and natural resource management. It describes the transition of the conflict-ridden agricultural and pastoral systems of arid and semi-arid regions of West Africa to more intensified agricultural and animal husbandry systems. The research investigates technological options and decision tools and explores a replicable methodology for building social capital within a rural community...
Decades have passed since black lung disease was recognized as a national disgrace and Congress was pushed to take legislative action. Since then, however, not much has changed. Big coal companies-along with their allies in the legal and medical professions-have continually flouted the law and exposed miners to deadly amounts of coal dust, while also systematically denying benefits to miners who suffer and die because of their jobs. Indeed, these men and their families, with little access to edu...
The Ethics and Law of Omissions
This edited volume of new essays explores the principles that govern moral responsibility and legal liability for omissive conduct behavior that did not occur. Many contributors here try to make sense of the possibility of moral responsibility for omissions, including those that occur unwittingly. The disagreements among them concern the grounds of moral responsibility in these cases: the constellation of states and traits that constitute the self, or the quality of one's will, or exercises of...
"[The story of] Steven Donziger, a self-styled social activist and Harvard educated lawyer, [who] signed on to a budding class action lawsuit against multinational Texaco (which later merged with Chevron to become the third-largest corporation in America). The suit sought reparations for the Ecuadorian peasants and tribes people whose lives were affected by decades of oil production near their villages and fields. During twenty years of legal hostilities in federal courts in Manhattan and remote...
The growing use of artificial intelligence (AI) software and robots in the commercial, industrial, military, medical, and personal spheres has triggered a broad conversation about human relationships with these entities. There is a deep and common concern in modern society about AI technology and the ability of existing social and legal arrangements to cope with it. What are the legal ramifications if an AI software program or robotic entity causes harm? Although AI and robotics are making their...
Products Liability (Aspen Casebook)
by James A Henderson, Jr, Aaron D Twerski, and Douglas a Kysar
Asset Protection for Business Owners and High-Income Earners
by Alan Northcott