Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit stehen die 49, 26 BoersG. Hiernach wird bestraft, wer einen unerfahrenen Anleger zu einem Boersenspekulationsgeschaft verleitet und hierbei dessen Unerfahrenheit zu einem Geschaftsabschluss ausnutzt. Schutzzweck dieser als abstraktes Gefahrdungsdelikt ausgestalteten Norm ist folglich ein fruhzeitiger Vermoegensschutz und somit der Anlegerschutz an sich. Schwerpunkt der Arbeit war herauszufinden, welche Rolle die 49, 26 BoersG im heutigen Normgesamtgefuge anlegerschutze...
UNCITRAL guide on the implementation of a security rights registry
This publication (the "Registry Guide") provides guidance to States with respect to the establishment and operation of a general security rights registry of the kind recommended in the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions (the "Secured Transactions Guide"). The Guide is a stand-alone text discussing the key issues that should be addressed in secured transactions law in line with the Secured Transactions Guide and in some detail all practical issues related to the establishment and...
Ausgewahlte Reden Und Aufsatze UEber Geld- Und Bankwesen (Schriften Des Vereins Zum Schutz der Deutschen Goldwahrung, #1)
by Ludwig Bamberger
Insider Trading and Market Manipulation - Investigating and Prosecuting Across Borders
by Janet Austin
This book explores how the globalization of securities markets has affected market manipulation and insider trading. It delves into the responses of securities regulators, discussing new regulations designed to deter such misconduct, as well as they ways in which detection, investigation and prosecution techniques are adapting to tackle insider trading and market manipulation that crosses international boundaries. Janet Austin concisely and clearly explains changes to securities markets that ha...
Band 1, Heft 2/3, September 1972 (Datenverarbeitung Im Recht (Dvr), 1, 2/3)
Structuring Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Entrepeneurial Transactions
by Jack S Levin
Introduction to Security
by Robert Fischer, Edward Halibozek, and David Walters
Introduction to Security, Seventh Edition, presents the latest in security issues from security equipment and design theory to security management practice. This complete revision of the classic textbook has been reorganized to reflect the industry changes since the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. It includes new coverage throughout of terrorism as it relates to cargo and travel security, potential areas of attack and target hardening techniques, and the use of current technologies to combat...
Creditors have always sought the protection of the law to secure themselves against loss if the debtor cannot or will not pay the debt. This volume examines the legal instruments of security available to creditors in the earliest known legal systems, their use and abuse, and the ways in which the law sought to satisfy the differing interests of creditors, debtors, and society in general, with varying degrees of success. The book covers all the major legal systems of the ancient Near East, from...
Das Wechselgesetz Und Das Scheckgesetz Mit Nebengesetzen
by Paul Schaefer
SEC and the Future of Finance is the second volume of Joel Seligman's two volume study of the work of the Securities and Exchange Commission. The first volume, The Transformation of Wall Street, was a comprehensive history of the SEC from the 1929-1932 stock market crash that created the agency to the end of the Nixon-Ford administration in 1977. This book focuses on key current issues, the resolution of which will determine the structure of the securities markets and the SEC's disclosure progra...
Band 3, Heft 1/2, Juni 1974 (Datenverarbeitung Im Recht (Dvr), 3, 1/2)