Student CD for Putman S Legal Research, Analysis and Writing, 2nd
by William H Putman
This book can help you develop the extra competitive edge it takes to get the job you want as a paralegal. Whether you are a student contemplating beginning your career as a paralegal, changing careers, or looking to move ahead in your current job, this book is a practical handbook designed to be used again and again. Completely updated in a new edition, this book will provide you with the tools needed to get in the door with the best possible resume, give a great job interview, and secure the...
Paralegal Today: The Legal Team at Work, Loose-Leaf Version
by Roger Leroy Miller and Mary Meinzinger
Prepare for success in your career as a paralegal as PARALEGAL TODAY: THE LEGAL TEAM AT WORK, 8E. introduces today's legal system. You learn how current technology and social media tools are used in practice. Real examples, hands-on practical applications and ethical dilemmas help strengthen your understanding of laws in current society and the importance of ethical and professional responsibility. You also refine the skills needed to thrive in today's legal landscape. An entire chapter highligh...
Student CD for Okrent's Legal Terminology for Transcription and Court Reporting
by Cathy Okrent
Using Computers in the Law Office (with Premium Web Site Printed Access Card)
by Matthew S Cornick
Student CD for Everett-Nollkamper S Fundamentals of Law Office Management, 4th
by Pamela Everett-Nollkamper and Everett-Nollkamper
Student CD for Bast/Hawkins Foundations of Legal Research and Writing, 4th
by Carol M Bast and Margie A Hawkins
2020-2024 5 year planner (2020-2024 Planners Daily Weekly and Monthly W/ Holidays, #2)
by Katharine T Killeen
Introduction to Criminal Justice (Aspen Criminal Justice)
by L. Thomas Winfree and G. Larry Mays
Legal Analysis and Writing for Paralegals (Book Only)
by William H Putman
Office Procedures for the Legal Professional (Book Only)
by Judy A Long and Charles 1947- Long
This is an all-encompassing approach to looking at law office procedures. It reviews the law office and the court system then moves on to a detailed discussion of various specialty areas of law and the function of the paralegal or legal assistant in each. Assignments and projects give the reader a very real sense of work in a law office. And, those efforts are documented in a notebook within the publication which later serves as a valuable resource in carrying out similar assignments on the job....
Foundations of Legal Research and Writing (Book Only)
by Carol M Bast and Margie A Hawkins
The new edition of Introduction to Corrections provides students with a basic understanding of the structure and operations of correctional systems, the evolutionary and political development of corrections, and the goals of corrections in contemporary society. It takes students from an examination of the role of corrections in society's attempt to control crime to an in-depth look at two of the most pressing problems in U.S. corrections today: overcrowding and financial problems.
This learning guide and reference tool written in a narrative format is a welcome change from the format of legal dictionaries. Over one thousand terms and phrases are arranged by subject within chapters, giving readers the chance to see the context in which they are used. Definitions have been written in layman’s terms, and explanations are clarified through a host of examples. Paralegals, legal secretaries, court reporters, law students, and others in the legal field will become more comfortab...
Opportunities in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Careers Rev. Ed. (Opportunities in...Series)
by James Stinchcomb
This book presents a world of career opportunities. VGM's opportunities in series of more than 100 career-specific titles is an invaluable resource for those who want to find out all they can about the professions that interest them. No other series provides such a wide range of comprehensive and current information on virtually every job available.In "Opportunities in Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Careers", you'll find: an informative history of law enforcement, from its beginnings to to...
How to Open and Operate a Financially Successful New Business in a Tough Economy: With Companion CD-ROM