Cooperation under Fire (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs)
by Jeffrey W. Legro
Why do nations cooperate even as they try to destroy each other? Jeffrey Legro explores this question in the context of World War II, the "total" war that in fact wasn't. During the war, combatant states attempted to sustain agreements limiting the use of three forms of combat considered barbarous—submarine attacks against civilian ships, strategic bombing of civilian targets, and chemical warfare. Looking at how these restraints worked or failed to work between such fierce enemies as Hitler's T...
US Hegemony and the Project of Universal Human Rights (Southampton Studies in International Policy)
by T. Evans
Human rights is often claimed as the 'idea' of our time. However, although considerable time, energy and resources have been invested in the idea, and extravagant claims are often made about progress in providing machinery for the protection of human rights, there are few signs that violations are any less common than in the past. This book argues that while the USA was instrumental in establishing the 'idea' of human rights as a dominant theme in the day-to-day rhetoric of international relatio...
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 3 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, #345)
This book covers all aspects of robot intelligence from perception at sensor level and reasoning at cognitive level to behavior planning at execution level for each low level segment of the machine. It also presents the technologies for cognitive reasoning, social interaction with humans, behavior generation, ability to cooperate with other robots, ambience awareness, and an artificial genome that can be passed on to other robots. These technologies are to materialize cognitive intelligence, soc...
Leadership in the Big Bangs of European Integration (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics)
This book presents the first comprehensive analysis of the major treaty reforms over the past two decades, to consider whether the path from the Single European Act in 1985 to the present Constitutional Treaty has been pushed by the Franco-German tandem, or has been the result of leadership provided the Commission or smaller member states.
Emphasizing change and continuity in politics, economics, and society; Politics in Russia is an authoritative overview of the Russian political system today. Politics in Russia is this Third Edition analyzes contemporary Russian political institutions and processes by discussing the conventions of post-communist Russia. - Details the Soviet-era approach to interest articulation, socialization, and planned economy, strengthening students understanding of Russia's political roots. - Helps students...
Multilevel Union Administration (Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics)
This book shows that the executive branch of government has added a supranational level, namely the European Commission, that increasingly seems to operate independently from national governments. Case studies illuminate how a genuine Union administration might evolve.
The Yearbook contains the official records of the International Law Commission and is an indispensable tool for the preservation of the legislative history of the documents emanating from the Commission, as well as for the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of the efforts undertaken by the Commission in the progressive development of international law and its codification. Volume II (Part Two) reproduces the edited version of the annual report of the Commission to the General...
International Justice and Impunity
by Nils Andersson, Daniel Iagolnitzer, and Diana G. Collier
Diese Arbeit thematisiert die wettbewerbsrechtliche Einordnung von Menschenrechtsverletzungen bei der auslandischen Warenproduktion. Der Grundgedanke befasst sich mit der Frage, inwieweit der Vertrieb von Waren, die unter dem Einsatz von menschenverachtenden Formen der Kinderarbeit gefertigt wurden, als ein lauteres geschaftliches Verhalten i.S. des UWG angesehen werden kann. Dazu werden die Corporate Social Responsibility Publikationen als Werbeform einer lauterkeitsrechtlichen UEberprufung unt...
Fixing Fractured Nations (Critical Studies of the Asia-Pacific)
Asia's rising power and wealth offer its many oppressed ethnic minorities hope for greater political freedom and an end to violence. But the reality of this hope is cast into doubt by acute separatist conflict. This book provides fresh and factual assessments of separatist struggles and prospects for conflict resolution in eight countries of Asia.
Law and Procedures of the International Court of Justice volume 1
by Gerald Fitzmaurice
Political Rationale and International Consequences of the War in Libya
Political Rationale and International Consequences of the War in Libya focuses on the international intervention in Libya in 2011, and tries to answer two broad questions; (1) What was the political rationale for the various actors to proceed as they did in the lead-up and conduct of the military intervention in Libya?, (2) What are the consequences of the UN-authorized military intervention in Libya? R2P was the public raison d'etre of the war, and an important legitimizing factor of the inter...
Unimpeded Sailing (Brill's Studies in Maritime History)
by P. G. Maxwell-Stuart, Steve Murdoch, and Leos Muller
This is a collection of articles by experts from many countries on economic aspects of international arbitration, the role of treaties, the movement for a uniform law, and international procedures for the settlement of disputes.
Emergency Powers of International Organizations
by Christian Kreuder-Sonnen
Emergency Powers of International Organizations explores emergency politics of international organizations (IOs). It studies cases in which, based on justifications of exceptional necessity, IOs expand their authority, increase executive discretion, and interfere with the rights of their rule-addressees. This ''IO exceptionalism'' is observable in crisis responses of a diverse set of institutions including the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, and the World Health Organization...
The European Community (Key issues in economics & business)
by Ian Barnes and Jill Preston
'A first class book which should become the starting point for any student wanting to produce a deep and detailed analysis of any area of a subject which is often dealt with in a much less straightforward and accessible manner.' Now completely rewritten and substantially expanded, this new edition provides an expert and up-to-date analysis of the current policies of the European Union.
There is a saying in Russian jails. Ne ver ne boysya ne prosi: don't trust, don't fear, don't beg. Don't trust because life here will always disappoint you. Don't fear because whatever you're scared of, you are powerless to prevent it. And don't beg because nobody ever begged their way out of a Russian prison cell. The plan was to attach a Greenpeace pod to Gazprom's platform and launch a peaceful protest against oil being pumped from the icy waters of the Arctic. However, heavily armed comman...