The 21st century promises to be the greatest period of growth in musical expression the world has ever known, as new technologies have made it easier and less costly to produce and distribute creative works on a worldwide basis. Copyright law and the ownership of intellectual property will continue to be the lifeblood of the music industry and the source from which the income of musicians will be derived. "Music Copyright for the New Millennium" will give you a thorough understanding of copyrigh...
Many kinds of interventions have been designed and implemented to combat digital copyright infringement, a type of cyber-deviance that is also known as 'digital piracy'. However, it is not clear whether such measures are indeed effective in reducing this type of deviance. This research sets out out to examine the functioning of these interventions from an empirical perspective. The persistence of digital copyright infringement presents various challenges to governments, the creative industries a...
Geschichte Und Zukunft Des Urheberrechts II (Beitrage Zu Grundfragen Des Rechts, #34)
A smart, lively history of the Internet free culture movement and its larger effects on society - and the life and shocking suicide of Aaron Swartz, a founding developer of Reddit and Creative Commons-fromSlate correspondent Justin Peters. Aaron Swartz was a zealous young advocate for the free exchange of information and creative content online. He committed suicide in 2013 after being indicted by the government for illegally downloading millions of academic articles from a non-profit onlin...
Conceptions of Space in Intellectual History
This volume takes a fresh approach to the issue of ‘space’ in intellectual history and puts forward novel ways of rendering conceptions of space useful for historians of political thought. Notions of ‘space’ have become increasingly important to the practice of intellectual historians in recent years. This is evidenced by emerging locutions such as ‘the international turn’, ‘global intellectual history’, and ‘political space’. Thus far, however, it is still unclear what it actually means to tak...
Want to start your own business, but not sure where to begin? 'Mind Your Business' is the ONLY book that teaches you everything you need to know about how to build a successful business from scratch. From developing your brand to designing products to identifying your legal and tax needs, this comprehensive guide will take you through every step of the process and help you create a unique and customised roadmap for your business. This book is for aspiring entrepreneurs who are driven, ambitious,...
The Creative Artist's Legal Guide: Copyright, Trademark and Contracts in Film and Digital Media Production
by Bill Seiter and Professor of Communications Ellen Seiter
As media industries undergo rapid change, the conditions of media work are shifting just as quickly, with an explosion in the number of journalists working as freelancers. Although commentary frequently lauds freelancers as ideal workers for the information age - adaptable, multi-skilled, and entrepreneurial - Nicole Cohen argues that freelance media work is increasingly precarious, marked by declining incomes, loss of control over one's work, intense workloads, long hours, and limited access to...
Accounting Ledger Book (Acconuting Ledger Book, #15)
by Charles And Jess
As the publishing, film and music industries are dominated by Big Media conglomerates, there is often recourse to simplistic ideological and conspiratorial readings of industry dynamics. Copyright, Creativity, Big Media and Cultural Value: Incorporating the Author explains why copyright is much more than a creator's private property right or a mechanism through which corporations control cultural production and influence mass consumption choices. The volume is grounded in extensive, painstaking...
The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law
The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law provides a definitive survey of copyright harmonization in the European Union, capturing the essential and relevant issues of this relatively recent phenomenon. Over the past few years, two themes have emerged: on the one hand, copyright policy and legislative initiatives have intensified; on the other hand, the large number of references to the Court of Justice of the European Union has substantially shaped the EU copyright framework and, with it, the...
The Law (in Plain English) for Photographers (In Plain English)
by Leonard D. DuBoff and Sarah J Tugman
"If you're a professional photographer, you must own this book." --David Hume Kennerly, Pulitzer Prize winner, former White House photographer, University of Arizona presidential scholar The All-in-One Resource for Photographers at All Levels In The Law (in Plain English)(R) for Photographers, Leonard D. DuBoff and Sarah J. Tugman walk readers through the legal landscape of the photography business. In easy-to-understand terms and with plenty of examples, this comprehensive resource covers ever...
This book explains why we should stop thinking of freedom as limited to a right to be left alone. It explores how Kantian philosophy and Jewish thought instead give rise to a concept of positive freedom. At heart, freedom is inextricably linked to the obligation to respect the autonomy and dignity of others. Freedom thus requires relationships with others, and provides an important source of meaning in liberal democratic societies. While individualism is said to foster detachment, positive freed...
Authors, Copyright, and Publishing in the Digital Era
by Francina Cantatore
Basic copyright laws and enforcements have been in effect for hundreds of years. However, laws with such extensive histories can often make understanding them complicated. As publishing moves into a digital arena, copyright laws have become increasingly complex. Authors, Copyright, and Publishing in the Digital Era not only addresses the current complexities that arise with authors and copyright laws when publishing digitally, but it also sheds light on the current processes and procedures in...