With disappearing music venues, and arts and culture communities at constant risk of displacement in our urban centers, the preservation of intangible cultural heritage is of growing concern to global cities. This book addresses the role and protection of intangible cultural heritage in the urban context. Using the methodology of Urban Legal Anthropology, the author provides an ethnographic account of the civic effort of Toronto to become a Music City from 2014-18 in the context of redevelopme...
Collaborative Happiness (Life Course, Culture and Aging: Global Transformations, #8)
by Catherine Kingfisher
Understudied relative to other forms of intentional community, and under-recognized in policy-making circles, urban cohousing communities situate wellbeing as simultaneously social and subjective, while catering for groups of people so diverse in age. Collaborative Happiness looks at two such urban cohousing communities: Kankanmori, in Tokyo; and Quayside Village, in Vancouver. In expanding beyond mainstream approaches to happiness focused exclusively on the individual, Quayside Village and Ka...
The Foreign Language Classroom (Source Books on Education, #43)
First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Housing America
Housing policy not only aff ects all Americans' quality of life, but has a direct impact on their fi nancial well being. About 70 percent of American households own their own homes, and for most, their homes represent the majority of their net worth. Renters are aff ected by housing policy. Even the small minority of Americans who are homeless are aff ected by housing policies specifi cally targeted to low-income individuals.The government's increasing involvement in housing markets, fed by popu...
A New Model for Housing Finance presents a thought-provoking solution to the housing crisis that follows the division of public and private money on housing costs and benefits. It brings a practical perspective on why housing is unaffordable, and what can be done about it using public and private capital. This book re-examines the foundation of housing finance in the United States with the aim to shift the paradigm from the public and private sectors working in silos, to working together. Thro...
National data indicates a surge in African-American suburbanization during the 1970s. What are the barriers that have slowed this process for so long? Is black entry to the suburbs synonymous with integration? To what extent does it contribute to convergence in the residential distributions of whites and blacks? This careful and thorough study marshals evidence that black suburbanization offers less than full realization of the American Dream.Homeownership in the United States is a source of sec...
Remaking the American Dream (Urban and Industrial Environments)
by Vinit Mukhija
The redefinition of the single-family house, the urban landscape, and the American Dream. Sitting squarely at the center of the American Dream, the detached single-family home has long been the basic building block of most US cities. In Remaking the American Dream, Vinit Mukhija considers how this is changing, in both the American psyche and the urban landscape. In defiance of long-held norms and standards, single-family housing is slowly but significantly transforming through incremental addi...
Interwoven Cities (Cities and the Global Politics of the Environment)
by Liam Magee
Recent enthusiasm for the city can mask the different geographical levels at which social inequity and environmental destruction are registered. The author argues for extending the metaphor of the urban fabric in new directions, to take hold of how political, economic, and ecological systems are now unfolding at these levels. Taking seriously the idea of cities as pliable fabrics, Interwoven Cities considers how they might weave and become woven into alternative patterns, to better sustain socia...
Land use controls can affect the quality of the environment, the provision of public services, the distribution of income and wealth, the development of natural resources, and the growth of the national economy. The Economics of Zoning Laws is the first book to apply the modern economic theory of property rights to all major aspects of zoning. Zoning laws are neither irrational constrints on otherwise efficient markets nor disinterested attempts to correct market failure. Rather, zoning must be...
This book delves into the Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) in Zimbabwe to provide insight into how it facilitated the delivery of housing for low-income urban households. It highlights the politics of land reforms and the power of community engagement in housing development in urban areas. Prior to the FTLRP, the Zimbabwean governments had never embraced popular modes of housing production as key factors in urban development. In the area of low-income housing, informal housing schemes...
A comprehensive introduction to housing policy: it examines the economic factors that affect housing policy and considers alternative systems of finance and ownership. This book should be of interest as an introductory textbook for university and polytechnic students in housing studies, social administration and public policy, and a basic text for housing managers studying for professional exams.
Building by Local Authorities (Royal Institute of Public Administration S.)
by Elizabeth Layton
Originally published in 1961, is the report into an investigation of the forms of organization used by local authorities of many varied types, populations and areas for the design and erection of new buildings and the maintenance of existing ones. It discusses the relations between Government departments and local authorities in the control of building design, standards and costs and the part played by Council committees in the control of building operations; it examines the division of function...
From a rare map of yellow fever in eighteenth-century New York, to Charles Booth?s famous maps of poverty in nineteenth-century London, an Italian racial zoning map of early twentieth-century Asmara, to a map of wealth disparities in the banlieues of twenty-first-century Paris, Mapping Society traces the evolution of social cartography over the past two centuries. In this richly illustrated book, Laura Vaughan examines maps of ethnic or religious difference, poverty, and health inequalities, dem...
Originally published in 1979, this book was the first to provide a comprehensive political-economic analysis of the historical origins and 20th Century experience of state housing in the UK. The first part describes the growth of municipal housebuilding in the context of slum clearance before 1914 and the cycle of boom and slump between the wars. Part 2 covers 1945- 1980 with chapters on : site acquisition and residential densities; the housebuilding industry and its standards; the balance betwe...
Historic preservation is typically regarded as an elitist practice. In this view, designating a neighborhood as historic is a project by and for affluent residents concerned with aesthetics, not affordability. It leads to gentrification and rising property values for wealthy homeowners, while displacement afflicts longer-term, lower-income residents of the neighborhood, often people of color. Through rich case studies of Baltimore and Brooklyn, Aaron Passell complicates this story, exploring ho...
Airbnb, Short-Term Rentals and the Future of Housing
by Lily M. Hoffman and Barbara Schmitter Heisler
How do Airbnb and short-term rentals affect housing and communities? Locating the origins and success of Airbnb in the conditions wrought by the 2008 financial crisis, the authors bring together a diverse body of literature and construct case studies of cities in the US, Australia and Germany to examine the struggles of local authorities to protect their housing and neighborhoods from the increasing professionalization and commercialization of Airbnb. The book argues that the most disruptive im...