Explores the burgeoning menstrual advocacy movement and analyzes how law should evolve to take menstruation into account. Approximately half the population menstruates for a large portion of their lives, but the law is mostly silent about the topic. Until recently, most people would have said that periods are private matters not to be discussed in public. But the last few years have seen a new willingness among advocates and allies of all ages to speak openly about periods. Slowly around the glo...
Environmental Technology Handbook (Applied Energy Technology)
by James G. Speight
The development of civilization has upset much of the earth's ecosystem leading to air, land, and water pollution. The author defines pollution as the introduction of a foreign substance into an ecosystem via air, land or water. This book delves into issues that effect the everyday lives of people who come in contact with these hazards.
Text, Cases and Materials on Medical Law and Ethics
by Marc Stauch and Kay Wheat
Text, Cases & Materials on Medical Law and Ethics presents a valuable collection of materials relating to this topical and increasingly controversial area of the law. Comprising extracts from statutes, cases and scholarly articles alongside expert author commentary and guidance, Medical Law and Ethics signposts students to all the key issues and principles in medical law. Divided into two parts, the text concentrates on the general principles that permeate medical law before considering the i...
Aerztliche Ehrengerichte Und AErztliche Standesorganisation in Preussen
by E Altmann
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on proven means of achieving and demonstrating compliance with Safety Standards Series No. TS-R-1, Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, establishing safety regulations to be applied to the national and international transport of radioactive material. The recommendations apply to all modes of transport of radioactive material, including transport which is incidental to its use. Transport is deemed to comprise all operations and con...
Arzneimittel- Und Apothekenrecht Der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Lieferung 2
Russian Federation 2012 (OECD reviews of health care systems)
2017′s must–have reference for nonprofit healthcare organizations The Law of Tax–Exempt Healthcare Organizations is a one–stop reference for organizations and their advisors, providing accessible explanations of the complex legal framework surrounding tax–exempt status, healthcare organizations, and other pertinent regulations. This new supplement has been updated to reflect the latest changes to federal law, IRS forms, requirements, and related tax procedures, with extensive citations to facil...
The Politics and Crisis Management of Animal Health Security
by Dr. John Connolly
The Politics and Crisis Management of Animal Health Security addresses the 2001 foot and mouth epidemic in the United Kingdom - one of, if not the, most significant crises ever to face the UK farming industry. Underpinned by interviews with politicians and bureaucrats and with significant primary documentary analysis the book shows that the crisis was a critical juncture in how disease outbreaks have been planned and managed ever since. The author explores how this event affected policy and gove...
Gentechnisches Labor – Leitfaden für Wissenschaftler
by Kirsten Bender and Petra Kauch
Dieses Buch liefert Ihnen einen umfassenden und praxisnahen Überblick zu Fragen zum Gentechnikgesetz und seiner Rechtsverordnungen im Laboralltag. Ob Transformation bei Bakterien oder virale Gentransfermethoden bei höheren Zellen, die Kenntnis der rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen und der Sicherheit in den Labors spielt bei allen angewandten Methoden die wichtigste Voraussetzung. Diese werden in Deutschland im Wesentlichen durch das Gentechnikgesetz und die Gentechnik-Sicherheitsverordnung gewährl...
Guidance On Creating Your Own Will & Power of Attorney
by Sanket Mistry
Overdose (Institute for Policy Innovation Books)
by Richard A Epstein
This book is the first to offer a comprehensive examination of the pharmaceutical industry by following the tortuous course of a new drug as it progresses from early development to final delivery. Richard Epstein looks closely at the regulatory framework that surrounds all aspects of making pharmaceutical products today, and he assesses which current legal and regulatory practices make sense and which have gone awry. While critics of pharmaceutical companies call for ever more stringent controls...
Bringing together forty-five experts from the US, Canada and the UK and across a range of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, this companion is unique in its broad assessment of the ways in which health has become an increasingly politicised concept over the last seventy-five years. It takes a multi-layered view of the development of US health care by examining its political dimensions from historical, cultural, medical, sociological, legal, ethical and environmental perspectives....
Ending Childhood Obesity - A Challenge at the Crossroads of International Economic and Human Rights Law
by Amandine Garde, Joshua Curtiss, and Olivier de Schutter
This edited book is the first to reflect on childhood obesity as a global legal challenge. It calls for a thorough commitment to human rights in the face of an ascendant global agri-food industry. The book makes an original contribution to the discussion on obesity as it considers both international economic law and human rights law perspectives on the issue whilst also examining the relationship between these two bodies of international law. After highlighting the importance of a human rights-...
What Are...Medicare Appeals?
by Jessica L Gustafson and Abby Pendleton
Drug Legalization in Federalist Constitutional Democracies
by Daniel Alati
This book uses the Canadian Cannabis legalization experiment, analyzed in the historical context of wider drug criminalization in Canada, and placed in international perspective, to examine important lessons about the differential implementation of federal law in jurisdictions within federalist constitutional democracies. Utilizing a socio-legal, interdisciplinary methodology, the work provides a comprehensive history of federal drug policy and engages in a critical appraisal of its provincial i...
Cases in Health Care Management
by Sharon B Buchbinder, Dale Buchbinder, and Bobbie J Kite