The Law Student's Guide to Networking
by Amy J Smith and Haley K Grieco
Revival: Human Rights in Philosophy and Practice (2001)
by Burton M. Leiser and Tom D. Campbell
This title was first published in 2001. The essays in this highly cosmopolitan collection were selected from over 250 contributions presented at the 19th World Congress in Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) held in New York in 1999. They represent a cross-section of contemporary work on human rights derived from eleven different countries.
A Child's Journey through Contemporary Issues in Child Protection
by Gary Norton and District Judge Rhiannon Davies
This new title provides clear, authoritative commentary on good practice, law and current research for both lawyers and other professionals who are involved in modern day safeguarding practice. Highly topical issues covered include: * The Child Protection Process and the Family Justice System * Fact Finding * Neglect * Domestic Abuse * Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery * Child Sexual Exploitation * Forced Marriage and Honour-Based Violence * Child Radicalisation * Female Genital Mutilation (FG...
Office Procedures for the Legal Professional (Book Only)
by Judy A Long and Charles 1947- Long
This is an all-encompassing approach to looking at law office procedures. It reviews the law office and the court system then moves on to a detailed discussion of various specialty areas of law and the function of the paralegal or legal assistant in each. Assignments and projects give the reader a very real sense of work in a law office. And, those efforts are documented in a notebook within the publication which later serves as a valuable resource in carrying out similar assignments on the job....
In the tradition of true crime bestsellers by Alan Dershowitz and Dominick Dunne, Mickey Sherman delivers a powerful and extraordinarily candid account of his legal career that gives the readers an all-access backstage pass to not only the sausage factory that is the criminal justice system but the big cases we have all lived with on TV. Sherman started his career as a public defender, then as a prosecutor, and later became a criminal defense attorney for clients such as Michael Skakel (convicte...
Blinde Evolution lautet ein Motto der Rechtswissenschaft nach ihren theologischen und metaphysischen Enttauschungen. Das Werk bietet eine vorzugliche Einfuhrung in die Theorie der Rechtsevolution. Mit anschaulichen Fallbeispielen, einem kurzen wissenschaftshistorischen Uberblick, einer systematischen Zusammenfassung der Kernargumente und einer kritischen Reflexion ist das Buch hervorragend als Einfuhrung und als weiterfuhrender Impuls geeignet. Gegenuber den bisher eher okonomisch orientierten D...
For courses in Legal Office Procedures, Legal Procedures, Introduction to Legal Office Procedures, Legal Secretarial Procedures, Legal Support/Assistant Procedures, and Introduction to Paralegal/Legal Assisting. The sixth edition of this popular text, the only legal office procedure book to receive a 5-star rating on, is organized in a logical, step-by-step manner that provides the terminology, background, and knowledge of the legal procedures required to work in a law office. The t...
Linkedin(R) in One Hour for Lawyers
by Dennis Kennedy and Allison C Shields
Since the first edition of LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers was published, LinkedIn has added almost 100 million users, and more and more lawyers are using the platform on a regular basis. Now, this bestselling ABA book has been fully revised and updated to reflect significant changes to LinkedIn's layout and functionality made through 2013. LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers, Second Edition, will help lawyers make the most of their online professional networking.
What is it like working as a barrister in the 21st century? The independent Bar has transformed in the last 30 years into a commercialised, enterprising profession. Based on interviews with and observation of barristers and chambers' staff, this book identifies key changes that have taken place at the Bar and how these are reshaping and reformulating barristers' professionalism and working culture. This is the first empirical overview of the depth, scope and effects of multiple reforms that have...
Thomas Hardy's Legal Fictions (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Victorian Culture)
by Trish Ferguson
Explores Thomas Hardy's engagement with Victorian legal debates in his prose fiction. Thomas Hardy's fiction is examined in this book in the context of the seismic legal reforms of the nineteenth century as well as legal discourse in the literature of the era. The book examines the ways in which Hardy's role as a magistrate and his interest in the law impacted fundamentally on his prose fiction. It demonstrates that throughout his prose fiction Hardy engages with contentious legal issues that we...
Im Dschungel der Justiz 9 (Im Dschungel Der Justiz, #9)
by Christian Lukas-Altenburg
If constitutional legitimacy is based on violence, what does this mean for democracy? Almost every state in the world has a written constitution and, for the great majority, the constitution is the law that controls the organs of the state. But is a constitution the best device to rule a country? Western political systems tend to be 'constitutional democracies', dividing the system into a domain of politics, where the people rule, and a domain of law, set aside for a trained elite. Legal, politi...
The Handbook of Law Firm Mismanagement for the 21st Century
by Arnold B. Kanter and Paul Hoffman
Multimedia Und Computeranwendungen in Der Lehre (Mikrocomputer-Forum Fur Bildung Und Wissenschaft, #5)
Smallkit ermoeglicht es Studenten oder wenig erfahrenen Programmierern, Anwendungsprogramme mit professionellem Look and Feel in wenigen Wochen (inkl. Einarbeitungszeit) zu erstellen. Es wurde bisher in mehreren Programmier- praktika fur Wirtschaftsinformatiker sowie in Diplomarbeiten eingesetzt. Die erzielten Resultate bestatigen, dass der Einsatz von Application Frameworks mit in akzeptabler Zeit meisterbarer Komplexitat in der Ausbildung ausserst motivierend und stark qualitatsverbessernd wir...
Discover how artificial intelligence can improve how your organization practices law with this compelling resource from the creators of one of the world’s leading legal AI platforms. AI for Lawyers: How Artificial Intelligence is Adding Value, Amplifying Expertise, and Transforming Careers explains how artificial intelligence can be used to revolutionize your organization’s operations. Noah Waisberg and Dr. Alexander Hudek, a lawyer and a computer science Ph.D. who lead prominent legal AI busin...
In the face of corporate bullies, one lawyer's passion and persistence paid off. Bullied as a Jewish kid in the hardscrabble neighborhoods of Chicago, Mike Burg had to learn how to fight at a young age. As an adult who started his own law firm from scratch that fireand understanding of the underdogstill burns and makes him one of America's top trial lawyers fighting for consumers' rights. In Trial by Fire: One Man's Battle to End Corporate Greed and Save Lives, read about Burg's unwavering...
Legal Lessons (Studies in Netherlandish Art and Cultural History)
by Jennifer E Altehenger