Collecting Child Support Made E-Z (Made E-Z Guides)
by Atty Suzan Herskowitz
Children's Rights as Basic Human Rights
by Dr R. Ganga and E. M. Supputhai
This book explores non-consensual adoption - an area of law which has sparked considerable debate amongst academics, practitioners and the judiciary nationally and internationally. The emphasis of this book is on the circumstances in which non-consensual adoption may be regarded as a proportionate measure and when less severe forms of intervention, such as long-term foster care or kinship care, may also meet children's needs while providing protection to children's rights under the European Conv...
Issues in School Violence Research
by Rusell Skiba, Gale Morrison, Michael Furlong, and Dewey Gene Cornell
Explore the most effective methods of studying school violence! School violence and safety research will move forward and make unique scientific contributions only if it develops a core literature that critically examines its measurements, methods, and data analysis techniques. Issues in School Violence Research is the first book to expose the limitations of previous research, to critically examine methodological and measurement practices, and to provide guidelines to enhance future school viol...
America's foster care system has a noble goal-to care for children that for various reasons can no longer be cared for by their families-but years of inattention and inadequate funding have left many foster youth in a precarious state. This resource provides a comprehensive and authoritative overview of the American foster care system. Areas of coverage include the scaffolding of foster care systems in the various states (each of which operate their own unique systems through their social servi...
Child Sexual Abuse (Contemporary Issues in Public Policy)
by Julia Davidson
Child Sexual Abuse critically evaluates the development of policy and legislative measures to control sex offenders. The last fifteen years has seen increasing concern on the part of the government, criminal justice agencies, the media and the public, regarding child sexual abuse. This concern has been prompted by a series of events including cases inviting media attention and involving the abduction, sexual abuse and murder of young children. The response to this wave of child sexual abuse rev...
The state of the world's children 2015
To mark the 25th anniversary of the Convention of the Rights of the Child, the 2015 edition of The State of the World's Children highlights the work of remarkable young innovators who are already reimagining the future - and invites the world to join this rising movement to advance the rights of the child.
This clearly articulated statement offers a hopeful and workable approach to conflict-that eternally beleaguering human situation. John Paul Lederach is internationally recognized for his breakthrough thinking and action related to conflict on all levels-person-to-person, factions within communities, warring nations. He explores why "conflict transformation" is more appropriate than "conflict resolution" or "management." But he refuses to be drawn into impractical idealism. Conflict Transforma...
In the wake of the Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans cases, a wide-ranging international conversation was started regarding alternative thresholds for intervention and the different balances that can be made in weighing up the rights and interests of the child, the parent's rights and responsibilities and the role of medical professionals and the courts. This collection provides a comparative perspective on these issues by bringing together analysis from a range of jurisdictions across Europe, North...
"Chronicles thirteen months of agony and frustration suffered by the innocent Bonilla and Frontiera families as a result of Children's Protective Services removal of young James Bonilla from his parents. Most people are not prepared to navigate the maze of sometimes senseless procedures of a government agency that has too much power. The Frontiera and Bonilla story and reports of several other cases across the country should be a wakeup call to a public unaware of how the state agencies charged...
This is the story of a mother's attempts to regain her children. In 1984 Catherine Laylle, a Frenchwoman living in London, met and married a German medical student. The couple had two sons, and the family moved to Germany. Catherine subsequently returned to England with the boys, who spent the school holidays with their father in Germany - until the summer of 1994, when Catherine's husband had the custody ruling of a London court overturned in Germany, and the boys were taken from her.
The Sexual Abuse of Children
Child Support
There has been a revolution in child support law in the last half-century, fueled by escalating numbers of divorces and children born to unmarried parents. This collection of essays examines the state of child support policy at the close of the twentieth century and the end of an era of far-reaching reform of the child support system.Reforms have moved the child support system from one of minimal effort, based on the assumption that children in single parent households would be supported by thei...
This is the true story of a woman who prevailed against the most heinous accusations imaginable. Tonya Craft, a Georgia kindergarten teacher and loving mother of two, never expected a knock on her door to change her life forever. But in May 2008, false accusations of child molestation turned her world upside down. The trial that followed dragged her reputation through the mud and lent nationwide notoriety to her name. Tonya's life spiraled into a witch-trial nightmare in which she was deemed g...
Children deserve our love, support and most of all our protection. This book is roadmap for anyone that wants to help keep children safe. This guide suggests practice standards to help judges, parents' attorneys, children's attorneys, CFS workers, GALs and family members ask the questions that need to be asked in every case. Topics covered in the book include: *What is the System" *Terms and Definitions *The Need for a Balanced and Neutral System
The state of the world's children 2014 in numbers
This special edition of The State of the World's Children will highlight the critical role data and monitoring play in realising children's rights. With reliable data, analysed and disseminated effectively, monitoring makes it impossible for the denial of rights to go unnoticed. Data do not, of themselves, change the world. They make change possible - by identifying needs, supporting advocacy, gauging progress and holding duty-bearers to account. Making the possible real is up to decision-makers...