Zuteilungsanspruche Bei Aktien-Neuemissionen (Europaeische Hochschulschriften Recht, #5509) (Europaische Hochschulschriften Recht, #5509)
by Arndt Franke
In Zeiten opportunen Marktverhaltens bei der Neuemission von Aktien kam und kommt es oft zu einer Ungleichbehandlung von Anlegern bei der Verteilung neuer Aktien. In dieser interdisziplinaren Arbeit wird in oekonomischer Hinsicht das Phanomen des Underpricing als Grund fur vielfach uberzeichnete Boersengange eroertert sowie Platzierungsverfahren erlautert. Basierend auf einer juristischen Analyse der Verteilungsverfahren leitet der Autor einen Anspruch auf gleichmassige Berucksichtigung der Anle...
Durch den Versailler Vertrag wurden dem Koenigreich Belgien preussische Gebiete zugeteilt. Im Zuge der Foederalisierung des belgischen Staats sind diese Gebiete nun ein Bundesland, die "Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft Belgiens", geworden. Das Buch behandelt ihre Rechtsbeziehungen mit den deutschen Behoerden und macht sie in einer vergleichenden und historischen Perspektive fur den deutschen Leser verstandlich. Die Deutschsprachige Gemeinschaft ist voelkerrechtsfahig, schliesst verwaltungsrechtlich...
Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung uber Wahrheitspflicht und Kooperationsmaxime im Zivilprozess. Die beiden Fragestellungen sind gerade die wichtigsten Themen fur die Strukturreform des Zivilprozessrechts auf dem chinesischen Festland. Aus der Diskussion der Wahrheitspflicht und dem Scheitern ihrer Rezeption in Japan und Taiwan konnten insgesamt vier Voraussetzungen fur ihre Einfuhrung ausgewertet werden. Daruber hinaus werden Vorschlage fur die kunftige Geset...
Die Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit dem Urheberrechtsschutz von Werken der angewandten Kunst in Deutschland und in den Grunderstaaten der Europaischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft sowie Grossbritannien und analysiert, ob in Europa ein ausreichender Schutz fur derartige Werke gegeben ist. Ferner werden die Zukunft des Designschutzes in Europa und der aktuelle Stand europarechtlicher Initiativen zur Vereinheitlichung des Schutzes der angewandten Kunst dargestellt. Schwerpunkt der Untersuchung ist die Ausei...
The fourth edition of International Business Law and the Legal Environment: A Transactional Approach gives business and law students a clear understanding of the legal principles that govern international business. This book goes beyond compliance by emphasizing how to use the law to create value and competitive advantage. DiMatteo’s transactional approach walks students through key business transactions—from import and export, contracts, and finance to countertrade, dispute resolution, licensi...
The Royal Prerogative and Constitutional Law (Routledge Research in Legal History)
by Noel Cox
This book examines the royal prerogative in terms of its theory, history and application today. The work explores the development of the royal prerogative through the evolution of imperial government, and more recent structural changes in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the Commonwealth. While examining specific prerogative powers, the development of justiciability of the prerogative, and the exercise of the prerogative, it lays bare the heart of constitutionality in the Westminster system...
This book introduces and explores the concept of multilingual law. Providing an overview as to what is 'multilingual law', the study establishes a new discourse based on this concept, which has hitherto lacked recognition for reasons of complexity and multidisciplinarity. The need for such a discourse now exists and is becoming urgent in view of the progress being made towards European integration and the legal and factual foundation for it in multilingualism and multilingual legislation. Cove...
Executive Directors' Remuneration in Comparative Corporate Perspective
Die Lex Originis-Regel Im Internationalen Sachenrecht - Grenzueberschreitende Privatrechtliche Ansprueche Auf Herausgabe Von Abhanden Gekommenen Und Unrechtmaessig Ausgefuehrten Kulturguetern (Europaische Hochschulschriften Recht, #4236) (Europaeische Hochschulschriften Recht, #4236)
by Olaf Rafael Kurpiers
Der grenzuberschreitende Handel mit gestohlenen oder illegal exportierten Kulturgutern fuhrt zu einer Reihe von besonderen Rechtsproblemen. Regelungen zum gutglaubigen Erwerb, zur Ersitzung und zur Verjahrung erfahren in den nationalen Rechtsordnungen verschiedene Auspragungen. Diese Arbeit behandelt kollisionsrechtliche und staatsvertragliche Loesungsansatze zur Verbesserung des privatrechtlichen Schutzes von Kulturgutern. Der Autor schlagt vor, die Eigentumsverhaltnisse an Kulturgutern dem Rec...
Misinformation in Referenda
by Sandrine Baume, Veronique Boillet, and Vincent Martenet
The book identifies the impact of misinformation in the context of referenda. While the notion of misinformation is at the centre of current events and is the subject of several studies, it has rarely been addressed in the context of referenda or from a multidisciplinary and comparative perspective. This book fills this gap. Different legal orders have been chosen because of their extensive referendum practices (California and Switzerland); a recent legislative process on the issue of misinforma...
Daniel Hupe vergleicht ausgewahlte Kodifikationsprojekte des 19. Jahrhunderts miteinander und untersucht diese auf das Vorhandensein und die Ausgestaltung einer zivilrechtlichen Gleichheit. Die untersuchten Kodifikationsprojekte stellen grundlegende Meilensteine auf dem Weg zu einer modernen Zivilgesellschaft dar, in denen sich bereits erste Anzeichen einer zivilrechtlichen Gleichheit finden lassen. Ein besonderes Augenmerk legt der Autor auf das Zivilrecht sowie auf das Verfassungsrecht, Wirtsc...
This edited volume seeks to reassess the old and to analyse and develop novel approaches to the notion of proportionality in criminal matters and the new security architecture. The discourse is not limited to conventional constitutional constellations and standard problems of sentencing in traditional criminal proceedings. Rather, the book offers an interdisciplinary and cross-jurisdictional exploration of highly topical, proportionality-related issues pertinent to penal theory and legal philoso...
Religious Rights within the Family (ICLARS Series on Law and Religion)
by Esther Erlings
It is often asserted that ‘A family that prays together, stays together’. But what if a child no longer wishes to pray? This book analyses the law in relation to situations where parents force their children to manifest the parental religion. From thorough examination of international law it argues that, unlike what is generally believed, the human rights regime does not grant parents a right to impose manifestations of their religion on their children. Instead, the author proposes to regard coe...
The Constitution of New Zealand (Constitutional Systems of the World)
by Matthew Sr Palmer and Dean R Knight
This book examines New Zealand's constitution, through the lens of constitutional realism. It looks at the practices, habits, conventions and norms of constitutional life. It focuses on the structures, processes and culture that govern the exercise of public power - a perspective that is necessary to explore and account for a lived, rather than textual, constitution. New Zealand's constitution is unique. One of three remaining unwritten democratic constitutions in the world, it is characterised...
Free Speech and the Politics of Identity challenges the scholarly view as well as the dominant legal view outside the United States that the right of free speech may reasonably be traded off in pursuit of justice to stigmatized minorities. These views appeal to an alleged reasonable balance between two basic human rights: the right of free speech and the right against unjust discrimination. Compelling arguments of normative political theory and interpretative history show, however, that these ri...
Among the environmental challenges facing us is alleviating the damage to marine ecosystems caused by pollution and overfishing. Coming to grips with contemporary problems, this book argues, depends on understanding how people have historically generated, perceived, and responded to environmental change. This work explores interactions between society and environment in China's most important marine fishery, the Zhoushan Archipelago off the coast of Zhejiang and Jiangsu, from its nineteenth - ce...
Constitutions and Gender (Research Handbooks in Comparative Constitutional Law)
The idea that constitutions are gendered is not new, but its recognition is the product of a revolution in thinking that began in the last decades of the twentieth century. As a field, it is attracting scholarly attention and influencing practice around the world. This timely Handbook features contributions from leading pioneers and younger scholars, applying a gendered lens to constitution-making and design, constitutional practice and citizenship, and constitutional challenges to gender equali...
Vulnerable Consumers and the Law (Markets and the Law)
This book charts the difficulties encountered by vulnerable consumers in their access to justice, through the contributions of prominent authors (academic, practitioners and consultants) in the field of consumer law and access to justice. It demonstrates that despite the development of ADR, access to justice is still severely lacking for the vulnerable consumer. The book highlights that a broad understanding of access to justice, which encompasses good regulation and its public enforcement, is...