Support for Victims of Crime in Asia (Routledge Law in Asia)
Giving victims of crime a greater role in the criminal justice system is a relatively recent development, a trend likely to continue and increase in the foreseeable future. In many jurisdictions it has led to compensation schemes funded by the state, support for victims of crime to help them recover from their ordeal, and involvement of victims in decisions as to how offenders should be dealt with. This book examines developments in support for victims of crime in Asia. It shows how, contrary...
Urbanization and Urban Problems (East Asian Monograph) (Harvard East Asian Monographs)
by Edwin S. Mills and Byung-nak Song
Transformations on the Ground considers the ways in which power in all its forms—local, international, legal, familial—affects the collision of global with local concerns over access to land and control over its use. In Botswana's struggle to access international economies, few resources are as fundamental and fraught as control over land. On a local level, land and control over its use provides homes, livelihoods, and the economic security to help lift populations out of impoverishment. Yet o...
Diese Arbeit wurde mit dem Foerderpreis der Dr. Feldbausch-Stiftung fur wissenschaftliche Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet des Rundfunkrechts und der Rundfunkoekonomie 2000 ausgezeichnet. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist einerseits eine Analyse der Aufsicht uber den privaten Rundfunk in Deutschland und auf europaischer Ebene und anderseits die Konstruktion verschiedener Modelle fur die zukunftige Organisation dieser Aufsicht. Methodisch wird die bestehende Organisation in Deutschland und in einigen Vergleichssta...
A defense of regulatory agencies' efforts to combine public consultation with bureaucratic expertise to serve the interest of all citizens The statutory delegation of rule-making authority to the executive has recently become a source of controversy. There are guiding models, but none, Susan Rose-Ackerman claims, is a good fit with the needs of regulating in the public interest. Using a cross-national comparison of public policy-making in the United States, France, the UK, and Germany, she arg...
Die Arbeit unterzieht die Entwicklung der Zentralbanken und der Bankenaufsicht in Deutschland und in den Niederlanden einem Rechtsvergleich aus rechtshistorischer und zeitgeschichtlicher Perspektive. Der Schwerpunkt liegt retrospektiv in der zweiten Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Dabei beschrankt sich die Untersuchung nicht darauf, UEbereinstimmungen und Unterschiede aufzuzeigen, sondern erklart diese daruber hinaus vor dem geschichtlichen Hintergrund der beiden Zentralbanken und der Bankenaufsich...
Human Rights Law in Europe (Routledge Research in Human Rights Law)
This book provides analysis and critique of the dual protection of human rights in Europe by assessing the developing legal relationship between the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The book offers a comprehensive consideration of the institutional framework, adjudicatory approaches, and the protection of material rights within the law of the European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). It particularly explores th...
Das Buch befasst sich mit der Dynamik der Kompetenzverteilung in foederalen Strukturen und untersucht drei Rechtsordnungen hinsichtlich der Entwicklungstendenzen ihrer zentralen Gesetzgebungsorgane. Im Einzelnen werden in drei Landerberichten das Deutsche Kaiserreich, die USA und die EU behandelt. Andreas Stimpfle arbeitet dabei die Verschiebungen der Kompetenzen in den Bereichen der Gesetzgebungs-, Kontroll- und Kreationsfunktion heraus. Die Entwicklungen werden vergleichend gegenubergestellt,...
During the early Middle Ages, King Alfred (reigned 871-99) gained fame as the ruler who brought learning back to England after decades of Viking invasion. Although analysis of Alfred's canon has focused on his religious and philosophical texts, his relatively overlooked law code, or Domboc, reveals much about his rule, and how he was perceived in subsequent centuries. Joining major voices in the fields of early English law and literature, this exploration of King Alfred's influential text traces...
Democracy and the Rule of Law in China (Issues in Contemporary Chinese Thought and Culture, #2)
Democracy and the Rule of Law in China is intended to make available to English-language readers debates among prominent Chinese intellectuals and academics over issues of political, constitutional, and legal reform; modes of governance in urban and rural China; and culture and cultural policy. The writers included in this book are individuals whose views have drawn some attention in the formulation of party and government policy, including the editor, Yu Keping, a prominent party intellectual,...
Die Amerikanische Verfassung und Deutsch-Amerikanisches Verfassungsdenken
by Hermann Wellenreuther
These are the proceedings of the 2nd Krefeld Historical Symposium of 1987 - a meeting of 34 distinguished historians to compare the constitutional history of Germany and the USA. Interdisciplinary in approach - an encounter between legal historians and those specializing in political and social history - the emphasis is on concrete historical realities of constitutional thought in both countries. Dissimilarities between the countries are highlighted in addition to ascertaining factors common to...
Weil sich das koreanische Prasidialsystem in der Vergangenheit mehrfach als politisch anfallig erwiesen hat, wird in dieser Arbeit nach moeglichen Alternativen gesucht. Die rechtsvergleichenden Betrachtungen munden in eine nachdruckliche Empfehlung fur eine UEbernahme des deutschen parlamentarischen Regierungssystems. Dazu stellt der Autor die wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktoren des politischen Systems der Bundesrepublik Deutschland dar und zeigt die notwendigen Voraussetzungen sowie die voraussichtlic...
Die Arbeit widmet sich den Grundpfandrechten in Deutschland und China und damit einer in China besonders brisanten Reformfrage. Fur die Verwendungsmoeglichkeit in der Kreditpraxis stellt nicht nur die Akzessorietat eines Grundpfandrechts, sondern auch seine Konstruktion ein entscheidendes Kriterium dar. Die Unklarheiten bei der Frage der dinglichen Wirkung schuldrechtlicher Einreden und die starkere inhaltliche Gestaltung auf der dinglichen Ebene in China sind auf die Durchfuhrung des Kausalprin...
Beitraege Zum Islamischen Recht II (Leipziger Beitrage Zur Orientforschung, #12) (Leipziger Beitraege Zur Orientforschung, #12)
Der von der Gesellschaft fur Arabisches und Islamisches Recht veroeffentlichte Band beschaftigt sich im ersten Abschnitt mit oeffentlich- und privatrechtlichen Problemen des Islamischen Rechts in Deutschland. Die Relevanz dieser Fragen ergibt sich aus der zunehmenden Prasenz von Muslimen ausserhalb der "traditionellen" islamischen Regionen. Im zweiten Abschnitt wird das Immaterialguterrecht in den arabischen Landern behandelt. Es zeigt sich, dass das agyptische Recht auch in diesem Bereich eine...
Imagined States (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Law, Literature and the Humanities)
by Katherine Isobel Baxter
Reframing Self-Regulation in European Private Law (Private Law in European Context)
by Professor of Comparative Law Fabrizio Cafaggi
Law and the Christian Tradition in Italy (Law and Religion)
Firmly rooted on Roman and canon law, Italian legal culture has had an impressive influence on the civil law tradition from the Middle Ages to present day, and it is rightly regarded as "the cradle of the European legal culture." Along with Justinian's compilation, the US Constitution, and the French Civil Code, the Decretum of Master Gratian or the so-called Glossa ordinaria of Accursius are one of the few legal sources that have influenced the entire world for centuries. This volume explores...
The definitive text on floating charges by Scotland's leading experts The floating charge is vital to secured transactions in Scotland and plays a key role in access to finance and corporate insolvency. Bringing together leading commentators at the forefront of the topic, this book delivers wide-ranging coverage of the history, theory, practice, and potential reform of the floating charge. It presents diverse approaches, including examining floating charges from 'black letter', socio-legal, law...
This thought-provoking book combines analysis of international commercial and investment treaty arbitration to examine how they have been framed by the twin tensions of "in/formalisation" and "glocalisation". Taking a comparative approach, the book focuses on Australia and Japan in their attempts to become regional hubs for international arbitration and dispute resolution services in the increasingly influential Asia-Pacific context as well as a global context. Interweaving historical, empirica...
This collection of essays is the outcome of an international conference on Irregular Migration and Human Rights, which gathered together prominent scholars, policy-makers and practitioners working in the migration and human rights field. The objective of the book, in contrast to the prevailing political approach which focuses almost solely on prevention, is to discuss the human rights dimensions of irregular migration from theoretical, European and international perspectives.
Australian Law Reform Commission (Frankfurter Kriminalwissenschaftliche Studien, #139)
by Julia Anna Bargenda
Die meisten Lander des Commonwealth sind vom Common Law gepragt. Dieses unterscheidet sich durch seine starre Prajudizienbindung auf den ersten Blick erheblich von dem kontinentalen System des kodifizierten Rechts. In der Praxis sorgt dies aufgrund des erheblichen Umfangs an zu beachtenden Entscheidungen oft fur Verwirrung. Zur Harmonisierung wurden Law Reform Commissions gegrundet, deren Aufgabe die Reformierung und Verbesserung des Rechts ist. In Deutschland sind diese Institutionen bislang na...
Problem-Solving Courts, Criminal Justice, and the International Gold Standard
by Anna Grace Kawałek
This book presents findings from a process evaluation carried out at a problem-solving court located in England: Manchester Review Court. Unlike the widely documented successes of similar international models, there is no detail of Manchester Review Court in the accessible literature, not in any policy document, nor is there a court handbook or website outlining objectives and expected practice. In adopting the seminal ‘wine’ and ‘bottle’ analytical framework propounded by therapeutic jurisprude...