With the growing importance of emerging markets the focus of analysts has begun to concentrate on the contribution of Latin America and the Middle East to the global economy, and the relations between these two regions. This has become ever more important with the trend in Latin America to diversify their trade relations and establish closer economic and political ties with other emerging economies, including the Middle East and North African (MENA) countries. The Arab World and Latin America ex...
Bridging the Gap
by Bonny Lin, Howard J. Shatz, Nathan Chandler, Cristina L Garafola, Eugeniu Han, Andy Law, King Mallory, and Zev Winkelman
The Greening of US Free Trade Agreements (Routledge Focus on Environment and Sustainability)
by Linda Allen
This book provides an up-to-date critical analysis of the integration of environmental policies into US free trade agreements. The work focuses on the evolution of the design of environmental policies and analyzes their effectiveness. Starting with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) leading to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the book examines the history of policy integration. In doing so, it provides an overview of the major trade-related environmental policies and presents...
Treaty Series (Great Britain) (Treaty Series (Great Britain))
Treaty Series (Great Britain) (Treaty Series (Great Britain))
Challenges from Japan, opportunities in the new European Community, and prospects for developing countries’ economies all revolve around trade and all have implications for U.S. economic strengths and interests. The cases in this book have been selected to illustrate a variety of contemporary trade policies, practices, and partners. The volume begins with an overview of the multilateral trade regime embodied in the GATT; it then moves on to specifics, including two different cases of U.S.-Japan...
This timely book examines the ever-increasing prevalence of Central Purchasing Bodies (CPBs), analysing their use and structure across different EU Member States. It argues that since CPBs are only partially regulated at EU level, their operations will depend on the legislation of the individual Member States and more importantly on the States' distinct practices and traditions. Comparative contributions consider the legal nature and structures of CPBs across 12 Member States and the UK. Throu...
Digital Assets and Blockchain Technology
by Daniel T. Stabile, Kimberly A. Prior, and Andrew M. Hinkes
This textbook examines the legal and regulatory approaches to digital assets and related technology taken by United States regulators. As cryptoassets and other blockchain applications mature, and regulatory authorities work hard to keep pace, Daniel Stabile, Kimberly Prior and Andrew Hinkes invite students to consider the legal approaches, challenges and tension points inherent in regulating these new products and systems. The authors explore the attempts to apply securities laws and money tran...
Falkland Islands Country Study Guide - Strategic Information and Developments
This fourth edition of Business Law offers comprehensive and accessible coverage of the key aspects of business law. Established legal topics such as the English legal system, Contract, Consumer, Intellectual Property, Company and Employment Law, and emerging areas such as Health, Safety and Environmental Law are all addressed in the context of business. The work has been thoroughly updated to include all the major recent developments in business law, such as the new EU Trade Secrets Directive...
Law of Electronic Commercial Transactions (Routledge Research in Information Technology and E-commerce Law)
by Faye Fangfei Wang
The exponential growth of electronic usage in global commercial transactions has generated potential opportunities in productivity, facilitated the cross-border free movement of goods and service, and stimulated export and import trade as well as domestic sale, but at the same time, it has led to new challenges to existing laws due to the unique characteristics and complexities of online technology, culture and social behaviours. This book compares the legislative frameworks of e-commerce in...
Treaty Series 2534 I (Treaty, #2534)
In accordance with Article 102 of the Charter and the relevant General Assembly Resolutions, every treaty and international agreement registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat since 1946 is published in the United Nations Treaty Series. At present, the collection includes about 30,000 treaties reproduced in their authentic languages, together with translations into English and French, as necessary. The Treaty Series, where treaties are published in the chronological order of registra...
Treaty Series (Great Britain) (Treaty Series (Great Britain))
The Regulation of Product Standards in World Trade Law (Studies in International Trade and Investment Law)
by Ming Du
This monograph has two central purposes. The first is to provide a critical analysis of how governmental, private and hybrid product standards are regulated in the GATT/WTO legal framework. The second purpose is to explore - both positively and normatively - the impact that WTO disciplines may have on the composition, function and decision-making process of various standard-setting bodies through the lens of a series of selected case studies, including: the EU eco-labelling scheme; ISO standards...
Protocol to the Treaty on a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia (Miscellaneous, #8) (Treaty, #10)
DOING BUSINESS WITH UKRAINE 3RD ED. (Doing Business with... S.)
Ukraine has made firm progress towards creating the political and economic institutions of a liberal market economy. In 2000, the country began to exhibit semblances of its long-awaited potential, recording impressive economic growth, as well as further reducing inflation to virtually normal levels and likewise creating numerous employment positions for its citizens. The formation of a new government in spring 2001 has further consolidated Ukraine's inexorable drive towards regional economic int...
Asia-Pacific trade and investment report 2011
This Report identifies the challenges and opportunities for trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region and concludes that with the right policies and strengthened regional cooperation, the region will be able to continue strong trade- and investment-led growth. With the continued stalling of the Doha Round, regional trade agreements remain an important approach to controlling protectionism. A fresh look at negotiations of the rules under these agreements in order to make them perform their...
Die Reform Und Vereinheitlichung Des Seerechts Durch Rückkehr Zum Allgemeinen Frachtrecht
by Carl Gutschow
Flexible Regional Economic Integration in Africa (Studies in International Trade and Investment Law)
by Dr Timothy Masiko