Das Neue Restrukturierungsrecht
by Phillip-Boie Harder, Florian Harig, David Kluth, and Daniel Kunz
Letter Tracing Books for Kids Ages 3-5 (Alphabet Tracing, #1)
by Stephanie C Neri
Die Autorin untersucht Rangrucktrittsvereinbarungen, die insbesondere von Nichtgesellschaftern mit einem spateren Insolvenzschuldner abgeschlossen werden. Dabei geht es vor allem um die Voraussetzungen fur die Vereinbarung eines Rangrucktritts und die moegliche Angreifbarkeit einer solchen Vereinbarung in einem spateren Insolvenzverfahren. Das Thema hat durch die Einfuhrung des 39 Abs. 2 InsO an Aktualitat gewonnen. Eine weitere, neuere Regelung findet sich in 19 Abs. 2 S. 2 InsO, die allerdin...
Divorce and separation are hard for couples, but they're even harder on the children involved. Many kids are in emotional turmoil, uncertain about the future, and blame themselves for the bread-up, even though it's not their fault. Surviving Your Parents' Divorce fills the information gap, helping children to grasp and cope with the forces at work in a separation.
Personal Bankruptcy for Dummies
by James P. Caher and John M. Caher
The number of new personal bankruptcies filed each year continue to increase. And there is no relief in sight. Bankruptcy is never a painless or easy decision, but with a little know-how, you can get through this process with a minimum of headache, heartache, and indigestion. With a clear focus towards the future, you can then begin to get your finances and your life back in order. If you're considering bankruptcy, are currently in the process of filing for bankruptcy, or on the brink of bankrup...
Reflections of a Bankruptee on Debt, Amnesty, Revolution, and History
by Frank T de Angelis
How to File Your Own Bankruptcy (Or How to Avoid It) (How to File Your Own Bankruptcy (or How to Avoid It))
by Atty Edward A Haman
Global Insolvency and Bankruptcy Practice for Sustainable Economic Development
by Tarek Hajjiri and Dubai Economic Council
Prebankruptcy Credit Counseling
by Noreen Clancy Clancy and Stephen J. Carroll
The American Bar Association Guide to Credit and Bankruptcy (American Bar Association Guide to Credit & Bankruptcy:)
Accounts (Law Society Finals)
Insolvency services account 2011-12 (House of Commons Papers, 2012-13 445)
How to Boost Your Credit Score Range and Make Money With Credit Cards. (Entrepreneurship, #3)
by Dr Ernesto Martinez
Consumer prepayments on retailer insolvency (Consultation Paper, #221)