The Little Book of Police Youth Dialogue (Justice and Peacebuilding)
by Dr. Micah Johnson and Jeffrey Weisberg
Discover the police-youth dialogue (PYD) as a method to build trustworthiness, mend relationships, and heal historical harms between black youth and law enforcement. This timely book from the Justice and Peacebuilding series offers an explanation of the need for meaningful dialogue between law enforcement and black youth, a blueprint for implementing police-youth dialogues, best practices and examples, anecdotes and narratives from participants, different models and formats, potholes and limit...
This unique HANDBOOK studies the important area of WTO trade remedy disputes. Since the WTO Agreement entered into force in 1995, over a third of all requests for consultations filed with the WTO have concerned a trade remedy dispute. The book summarizes over 40 decisions issued by WTO panels and the Appellate Body in trade remedy disputes during the first six years of the WTO Agreement. The issue-specific format of the book provides the legal researcher-whether practitioner, government official...
International investment law is one of the most dynamic fields of international law, and yet it has been criticised for failing to strike a fair balance between private and public interests. In this valuable contribution to the current debate, Valentina Vadi examines the merits and pitfalls of arbitral tribunals? use of the concepts of proportionality and reasonableness to review the compatibility of a state?s regulatory actions with its obligations under international investment law. Investme...
Justice apps – mobile and web-based programmes that can assist individuals with legal tasks – are being produced, improved, and accessed at an unprecedented rate. These technologies have the potential to reshape the justice system, improve access to justice, and demystify legal institutions. Using artificial intelligence techniques, apps can even facilitate the resolution of common legal disputes. However, these opportunities must be assessed in light of the many challenges associated with app...
Understanding the NEC4 Professional Service Contract (Understanding Construction)
by Kelvin Hughes
As usage of the NEC (formerly the New Engineering Contract) family of contracts continues to grow worldwide, so does the importance of understanding its clauses and nuances to everyone working in the built environment. Currently in its fourth edition (NEC4), this set of contracts is different to others in concept as well as format, so users may well find themselves needing a helping hand along the way. Understanding the NEC4 Professional Service Contract uses plain English to lead the reader t...
Mediating Highly Complex Cases for International Corporations
by Dr Ralph Steele
This book is a volume in the Penn Press Anniversary Collection. To mark its 125th anniversary in 2015, the University of Pennsylvania Press rereleased more than 1,100 titles from Penn Press's distinguished backlist from 1899-1999 that had fallen out of print. Spanning an entire century, the Anniversary Collection offers peer-reviewed scholarship in a wide range of subject areas.
Refugee Negotiations from a Game-Theoretic Perspective
by Lester a Zeager, Richard E Ericson, and John H P Williams
A Guide to the ICSID Additional Facility Arbitration Rules
by Senior Associate Caroline Richard and Senior Associate Jean-Paul Dechamps
"Bridges over Water" places the study of transboundary water conflicts, negotiation, and cooperation in the context of various disciplines (such as international relations, international law, international negotiations, and economics), analyzing them using various quantitative approaches, such as river basin modeling and game theory. Case studies of particular transboundary river basins, lakes and aquifers are also considered. This is the first textbook for a relatively recent yet rapidly expand...
The Little Book of Youth Engagement in Restorative Justice (Justice and Peacebuilding)
by Evelin Aquino, Anita Wadhwa, and Heather Manchester
The purpose of this book is to illuminate a theory of youth engagement in restorative justice that seeks to create systems change for more equitable schools. The authors define youth engagement in restorative justice as partnering with young people most impacted by structural injustice as changemakers in all aspects of restorative practices including community building, healing, and the transformation of institutions. Based on Adam Fletcher's version of the Ladder of Youth Engagement, coupled wi...
Return of the Native (Twayne's Masterworks Studies) (Thomas Hardy Studies)
by Thomas Hardy
Critical essays, and selections from other works accompany the text of the novel.
Family Law Arbitration is a guide to arbitration in family matters both financial and in respect of children. It sets out: - what is meant by arbitration - the process - the purpose - its benefits - important cases including arbitration decisions confirmed in the High Court It gives practitioners and lay individuals an understanding of family law arbitration, how it works in family matters and what can be expected when an arbitration proceeds, showing both the lawyers involved and the client a...
Praxishandbuch Professionelle Mediation (Springer Reference Psychologie)
Das Praxishandbuch Professionelle Mediation ist sowohl ein Nachschlagwerk fur Mediations-Praktiker als auch ein strukturiertes Handbuch zum vertieften Einarbeiten in eine Vielzahl einzelner Aspekte. Es umfasst alle wichtigen Bereiche der Mediation. Diese werden in rund 70 Beitragen durch ein interdisziplinares und hochkaratig besetztes Autorenteam abgedeckt. Im Fokus steht dabei die Mediationspraxis, d. h. die einzelnen Themen werden aus der Erfahrung von Praktikern anschaulich anhand von Beisp...
Definition und Anwendung des Begriffs der Enteignung in internationalen Schiedsverfahren sind noch immer mit grossen Unsicherheiten belastet. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, die sich aus der Rechtsprechung der internationalen Schiedsgerichte ergebenden Tatbestandsvoraussetzungen zu ermitteln, zu strukturieren und zu analysieren. Auf diese Weise sollen einheitliche und vorhersehbare Kriterien zur Bestimmung des Tatbestandes der direkten und der indirekten Enteignung aufgestellt und so ein Beitrag zur Sys...