Test Prep Guide to Accompany New Jersey Code of Criminal Justice
by Kenneth Del Vecchio
The Evolving Governance of Eu Competition Law in a Time of Disruptions (Modern Studies in European Law)
2020-2024 Five Year Planner (5 Year Monthly Planner 2020-2024, #3)
by John Book Publishing
Livre de coloriage A la decouverte de l'Egypte Antique
by Nourar Dublino
The business of baseball stands in sharp contrast to the game's wholesome image as America's favorite pastime. Major league baseball is a deeply troubled industry, facing chronic problems that threaten its future: persistent labor tensions, competitive dominance by high-revenue teams, migration of game telecasts to cable, and escalating ticket prices. Amid the threat of contraction, existing franchises are demanding public subsidies for new stadiums, while viable host cities are begging for team...
This book examines the issue of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the context of technological development, and in particular the impact of M&As on the innovation process. In so doing, the book integrates two bodies of literature, on M&As, and on innovation studies, a nexus which the editors contend represents an important step in the advancement of our understanding of both with clear implications for competitive advantage and growth of firms. Drawing on perspectives from both management and e...
Economics of Regulation and Antitrust (Economics of Regulation and Antitrust) (The MIT Press)
by W. Kip Viscusi, John M. Vernon, and Joseph E. Harrington Jr.
This new edition of the leading text on business and government focuses on the insights economic reasoning can provide in analyzing regulatory and antitrust issues. Departing from the traditional emphasis on institutions, Economics of Regulation and Antitrust asks how economic theory and empirical analyses can illuminate the character of market operation and the role for government action and brings new developments in theory and empirical methodology to bear on these questions. The fourth edit...
Antitrust Goes Global
How will the rapid growth of trade, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and international joint ventures alter antitrust enforcement? Can national antitrust enforcement guard against anticompetitive corporate practices in a globalizing world? Or will international friction increase as nations disagree over antitrust cases, like the Boeing-McDonnell Douglas merger? Recognizing the sheer volume of transatlantic commerce, the EU and U.S. have long cooperated on antitrust matters, but what has th...
This innovative and original book explores the relationship between blockchain and antitrust, highlighting the mutual benefits that stem from cooperation between the two and providing a unique perspective on how law and technology could cooperate. Delivering a legal, economic, and technical analysis of antitrust and blockchain, Thibault Schrepel provides a well-rounded examination of their mutual flaws and the limitations that occur when they ignore each other. He explores the anticompetitive pr...
This sweeping, comparative study of taxation in the United States and Australia shows that even as governments in the Western world have become increasingly sophisticated tax collectors, a competitive and ruthless market in advice on tax avoidance has developed. The same competitive forces in the late twentieth century which have driven down prices and sparked efficiencies in the production of fast food or computer parts have helped stimulate the markets for "bads" like tax shelters and problem...
The Future Development of Competition Framework (International Competition Law Series Set)
by Tzong-Leh Hwang and Chiyuan Chen
Antitrust and Competition Policy (Business Economics)
The antitrust litigation process is, to a large and perhaps surprising degree, driven by the underlying economic literature. The articles in this volume have been chosen to provide a sense of both the history and the current state of thinking about antitrust.The opening section considers the flaws in the 1960s view on monopoly. Part II then examines economic thinking with respect to mergers. The next three sections contain selections on three specific sets of practices that have been frequent ta...
After Enron first describes the conditions that led to the collapse of Enron and other corporate scandals and the concerns that these developments raised among the public, the press, and political officials. The book then describes and evaluates the initial private and public responses to these developments and concludes that most of these responses were unnecessary, harmful, or inadequate. There are four major lessons learned during the post-Enron scandal era: Don't count too much on financia...
This business book is great for leaders, middle managers and entrepreneurs interested in the following categories; STRATEGY LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT ENTREPRENEURSHIP “What’s Your Competitive Advantage” offers a way to work with the realities of a complex world and the changing needs of your business. We live in a complex world, no-one can predict the future and we can’t anticipate the ultimate impact of any actions we take. These realities make the task of success...
Are Predatory Commitments Credible? (Studies in Law & Economics (CHUP)) (Studies in Law & Economics)
by John Lott
Predatory pricing has long been a contentious issue among lawmakers and economists. Legal actions are continually brought against companies. But the question remains: how likely are firms to cut prices in order to drive rivals out of business? Predatory firms risk having to keep prices below cost for such an extended period that it would become cost-prohibitive. Recently, economists have turned to game theory to examine circumstances under which predatory tactics could be profitable. John R. Lot...
Competition Law in the EU
by Johan W Van De Gronden and Catalin Stefan Rusu
This incisive textbook enhances understanding of EU competition law, exploring significant substantive and enforcement issues relating to antitrust, merger control and state aid law. Providing an examination of well-established doctrines, landmark judgements and the impact of recent developments, this textbook also highlights the importance of the interplay between domestic and European competition law by discussing national competition rules and frameworks. Competition Law in the EU will be an...
Competition Law in the European Communities
2020-2021 Monthly Planner (2020-2021 Daily Monthly Calendar Pocket Planner, 24 Months Jan 2020 to Dec 2021, #4)
by John Book Publishing
Management consulting remains a popular career choice but undertaking a consulting project for the first time can seem daunting for the student or new professional. This book, now in its fifth edition, aims specifically to guide students through the consultancy process, while also giving tips and techniques to the more seasoned practitioner. This is delivered from the accumulated knowledge and insight of the authors and contributors, who all have been consultants. This fifth edition...