These. de la Societe Anonyme En Droit Francais. de la Societe En Droit Romain
by Verge
Reflections on Freedom of Speech and the First Amendment
by Professor George Anastaplo
The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars were the first truly global conflicts. The Royal Navy was a key player in the wider wars and, for Britain, the key factor in her eventual emergence as the only naval power capable of sustained global hegemony. The most iconic battles of any era were fought at sea during these years - from the Battle of the Nile in 1798 to Nelson's momentous victory at Trafalgar in October 1805. In this period, the Navy had reached a peak of efficiency and was unrival...
Theorie Du Code Penal
by Adolphe Chauveau, Faustin Hlie, Edmond Louis Villey, and Faustin Helie
Ministere de la Guerre. Dispositions Relatives A La Loi d'Amnistie Du 27 Avril 1898
by Collectif
Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Session of the Conference Convention, For Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of the United States, Held At Washington, D.C., in February, A.D. 1861. by L. E. Chittenden, One of the Delegates.
by L E (Lucius Eugene) Chittenden
Most of us have been victims of frauds and related crimes at some point or the other in our lives. We may not have answers to pertinent questions such as: Who is responsible for the fraud committed? Why do people commit white collar crimes? What makes us vulnerable to such crimes? Who could have prevented the crime? What could individuals and entities do to prevent the crime in future and what action should we take to recover the losses? Unlike street crimes where victims are clearly identified...
The Palgrave Handbook of Co-Production of Public Services and Outcomes
This Handbook provides a comprehensive and authoritative account of the movement towards co-production of public services and outcomes, a topic which has recently become one of the most intensely debated in public management and administration, both in practice and in the academic literature. It explores in depth the processes of co-commissioning, co-design, co-delivery and co-assessment as major approaches to co-production through citizen voice and citizen action and as key mechanisms in the co...
Die Pensionszusage an den Mitunternehmer wirft steuer- und bilanzrechtliche Probleme auf: Nach der aktuellen Rechtsprechung muss die Gesamthand gewinnmindernd eine Pensionsruckstellung bilden. Der begunstigte Gesellschafter hat zeitlich und betragsmassig korrespondierend einen Gewinn als bezogene Sondervergutung zu versteuern, obwohl ungewiss ist, ob er jemals Pensionszahlungen erhalten wird. Verstirbt er fruhzeitig, entsteht aus der Aufloesung der bereits versteuerten Anwartschaft in seinem Son...
Reusing Online Resources (Open & Flexible Learning) (Advancing Technology Enhanced Learning)
To improve the cost effectiveness and sustainability of e-learning, many national and international initiatives are pioneering new ways in which educators can share their curricula with teachers and learners around the world. To enable this global sharing, educators must learn to design, manage and implement reusable electronic educational resources. This unique book outlines approaches to sharing and reusing resources for e-learning. Drawing upon research by 30 prominent scholars from seven c...
Legal Education as a Subversive Activity (Emerging Legal Education)
In an age when everyone aspires to teach critical thinking skills in the classroom, what does it mean to be a subversive law teacher? Who or what might a subversive law teacher seek to subvert – the authority of the law, the university, their own authority as teachers, perhaps? Are law students ripe for subversion, agents of, or impediments to, subversion? Do they learn to ask critical questions? Responding to the provocation in the classic book Teaching as a Subversive Activity, by Postman and...
Recht Und Moral in Der Scholastik Der Fruhen Neuzeit 1500-1750 (Methodica, #1)
by Wim Decock
Policing and Race in America
This edited collection explores policing in America in regards to minority groups. The essays discuss how the relationship between police and minority groups affects politics, the economy, and minority groups' daily lives and success. The contributors explore the Black Lives Matter movement, the Detroit, Los Angeles, and Atlanta Police Departments, immigration, incarceration, community policing, police violence, and detail causes, theories, and solutions to this important phenomenon.
Setting the Stage for Sustainabilty (Sustainable Community Development, #5)
by Chris Maser, Charles R. Beaton, and Kevin M. Smith
As humans, we make choices. With change as a constant, we are continually presented with a number of choices, and we must choose. The change represented by the divergence of humanity from the rest of the world is rapidly growing, and in need of transformation. Setting the Stage for Sustainable Community Development is a guide for that transformation, which can help to create a sense of "place" where it did not previously exist. This invaluable text looks at resolving environmental conflicts thro...
Recueil Des Edits Et Ordonnances Du Roy, Concernant Les Domaines Et Droits de la Couronne. Tome 1
by France