Peter Baumann develops and defends a distinctive version of epistemic contextualism, the view that the truth conditions or the meaning of knowledge attributions of the form "S knows that p" can vary with the context of the attributor. The first part of the book examines arguments for contextualism and develops Baumann's version. The first chapter deals with the argument from cases and ordinary usage; the following two chapters address "theoretical" arguments, from reliability and from luck. The...
Building on a range of disciplines - from biology and anthropology to philosophy and linguistics - this book draws on the expertise of leading names in the study of organic, mental and cultural codes brought together by the emerging discipline of biosemiotics. The volume represents the first multi-authored attempt to deal with the range of codes relevant to life, and to reveal the ubiquitous role of coding mechanisms in both organic and mental evolution.
El discurso reaccionario de la derecha espanola
by Pedro Fernandez Riquelme
IEEE Atlas
This comprehensive introduction to intercultural pragmatics examines the theoretical, methodological and practical issues in the analysis of talk across cultures. The book includes: * introduction to the key issues in culture and communication * examination of cross-cultural and intercultural communication * empirical case studies from a variety of languages, including German, Greek, Japanese and Chinese * practical chapters on pragmatics research, recording and analysing data, and projects in...
If the language we use influences and reflects the way that we see the world, then the fields of LOVE, SEX, and MARRIAGE, will show how speakers of English view their closest social and emotional relationships. Love, Sex, and Marriage provides a classification of English terms for these three fields from the earliest written records of the language until the present day. This volume makes it possible to trace changing attitudes towards social and sexual ties, and to understand those ties as earl...
This book provides a formal ontology of senses and the belief-relation that grounds the distinction between de dicto, de re, and de se beliefs as well as the opacity of belief reports. According to this ontology, the relata of the belief-relation are an agent and a special sort of object-dependent sense (a "thought-content"), the latter being an "abstract" property encoding various syntactic and semantic constraints on sentences of a language of thought.
Hebraisches Und Aramaisches Handwoerterbuch UEber Das Alte Testament
by Wilhelm Gesenius
Der "Gesenius" ist zu einem Begriff geworden. Es handelt sich um die 18. Auflage des zuerst 1810/12 und 1815 von dem Hallenser Alttestamentler und Orientalisten Wilhelm Gesenius (1786-1842) herausgegebenen, seitdem immer wieder bearbeiteten Handwoerterbuchs fur die hebraische und aramaische Sprache des Alten Testaments: eines Standardwerkes fur Generationen von Studenten, Pfarrern und Lehrern. Der Unterschied der 18. gegenuber der 17. Auflage besteht hauptsachlich darin, dass das Woerterbuch auf...
100+ Fun Ideas for Modern Foreign Languages (100 Fun Ideas)
by Sue Cave
Metaphorical Conceptualizations (Applications of Cognitive Linguistics [Acl], #45)
Semiotics Around the World: Synthesis in Diversity (Approaches to Semiotics [as], #126)
In Zeiten der Europaischen Union und der vereinfachten Mobilitat innerhalb Europas ist es sehr wichtig, auf die eigene Sprachverwendung zu achten: Regional markierte Woerter erschweren die Kommunikation, besonders fur die Lerner einer Fremdsprache, weil sie ungesteuert gelernt werden. Auch wenn die Standardsprache Deutschlands als uberregional und ubernational gilt, weicht sie vom Standard OEsterreichs und der Schweiz ab. Das Deutsche - wie das Englische und viele andere Sprachen auf der Welt -...
More than 100 indigenous languages are spoken in Mexico and Central America. Each language partitions the color spectrum according to a pattern that is unique in some way. But every local system of color categories also shares characteristics with the systems of other Mesoamerican languages and of languages elsewhere in the world. This book presents the results of the Mesoamerican Color Survey, which Robert E. MacLaury conducted in 1978-1981. Drawn from interviews with 900 speakers of some 116...
Space and Time in as-Sani' Arabic (Brill's Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture)
by Letizia Cerqueglini
What is the relationship between spatial and temporal representations in language and cognition? What is the role of culture in this relationship? I enter this discussion by offering a community-based, cross-generational study on the community of speakers of as-Sani' Arabic, members of a Negev Desert Bedouin tribe in Israel. The book presents the results of ten years of fieldwork, the linguistic and cognitive profiles of three generations, and first-hand narration of a century of history, from n...
Historische Diskursanalyse Der Literatur (Historische Diskursanalyse der Literatur)
by Klaus-Michael Bogdal
Im Spektrum der neuen Literaturtheorien hat sich - auch international - die Historische Diskursanalyse als eine Forschungsrichtung etabliert, die programmatisch detaillierte Textanalyse mit historischer Darstellung verbindet. In diesem Band werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zur Diskussion gestellt und mit den Themen Mannerbilder, Identitat-Alteritat, Gegenwartsliteratur und Technik- und Korperphantasien exemplarisch vier Forschungsfelder abgesteckt. Den Mittelpunkt des Bandes bildet die diskur...
The main aim of this book is to present recent ideas in logic centered around the notion of a consequence operation. We wish to show these ideas in a factually and materially connected way, i.e., in the form of a consistent theory derived from several simple assumptions and definitions. These ideas have arisen in many research centers. The thorough study of their history can certainly be an exciting task for the historian of logic; in the book this aspect of the theory is being played down. The...