Fremdsprachen in Der Perspektive Lebenslangen Lernens (Fremdsprachen Lebenslang Lernen, #1)
Diese Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit Ausspracheproblemen chinesischer Deutschlernender im Rahmen von Einzelfallstudien. Die Untersuchung konzentrierte sich auf die Problembereiche Phonotaktik, suprasegmentale und segmentale Abweichungen unter Berucksichtigung der phonetisch-phonologischen Interferenzen des Deutschen und Chinesischen. Neben der kontrastiven Analyse wurden auch aussersprachliche Gesichtspunkte in die Untersuchung einbezogen, da sie ebenso wie sprachliche Faktoren beim Aussprachelerne...
Discusses current research relating to phonics and presents strategies for successful phonics instruction, covering such topics as intervention strategies for struggling students and guidelines for teaching non-native speakers.
Creating Wealth in the Connected Economy. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Volume 13, Issue 6
Werden bilingual aufwachsende Kinder in beiden Sprachen alphabetisiert, ergeben sich Fehlschreibungen, wie sie bei monolingualen Kindern nicht vorkommen. Welche Gedankengange diesen Schreibungen zu Grunde liegen, sind fur Eltern und Lehrer im Regelfall schwer nachzuvollziehen. Folglich schatzen sie den Entwicklungsstand der Kinder im Schriftspracherwerb falsch ein. Die Studie behandelt diese Problematik umfassend anhand von linguistischen Analysen, erwerbstheoretischen Modellen und padagogischen...
Peter Ladefoged's "A Course in Phonetics" is the hallmark text for the study of linguistics. Retaining the trademark writing style and approach of previous editions, the Fifth Edition begins with technical terms required for describing speech and transcription symbols before moving on to the phonetics of English and other languages. An exciting bonus CD-ROM contains more than 4,000 audio files, including recordings of speech from southern and northern U.S. cities, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, New...
A textbook for advanced students that goes beyond basic phonetics and phonology to investigate their interaction. Is speech in the mouth or in the brain? Do we hear with our ears or our minds? The answer is: both. The sounds of language are both physical objects and cognitive constructs. The physical aspects of speech are the province of phonetics: sound waves that are produced by the movement of articulators and received by the ear. Phonology, by contrast, studies cognitive aspects: systematic...
Philippine English (Routledge Studies in World Englishes)
Philippine English is a comprehensive reference work on the history, sociology, and linguistic structure of Philippine English. It offers readers unprecedented access to a synthesis of the last fifty years of research into Philippine English as well as putting forward a new and better understanding of the phenomenon of the nativization of English in the Philippines and the emergence of Philippine English. This definitive resource covers in great length and depth all that is currently known about...
This is a fun introduction to the alphabet. Imaginative illustrations encourage young readers through the pages as they learn their ABC.
Second Language Pronunciation (Studies on Language Acquisition [SOLA])
In the field of Second Language Acquisition, the number of studies focusing on L2 pronunciation instruction and perceptual/production training has increased as new classroom methodologies have been proposed and new goals for L2 pronunciation have been set. This book brings together different approaches to L2 pronunciation research in the classroom or in the language laboratory. 15 chapters, written by well-known researchers focusing on a variety of first and target languages, are divided into...
A Corpus of Formal British English Speech
by Gerry Knowles, Lita Taylor, and Briony Williams
This work provides 50,000 words of prosodically-transcribed text from a variety of sources. The introduction explains fully the transcription conventions, the structure of the corpus and its relationship to other computer corpora, and provides examples of different versions of texts.
Clear English Pronunciation provides students with the tools to effectively communicate in English without centring solely on native-speaker pronunciation models. The focus of the book is on individual pronunciation targets rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Divided into four sections, each featuring detailed articulatory explanations, sample sentences, and recordings to help learners improve their pronunciation, this book: introduces the phenomenon of pronunciation as part of a broader...
Combining intellectual history with literary analysis, this study of Whitman's language experiment from 1855 to 1892 offers a refreshing new look at his theory of language especially the English language in America-as an expression of a "national spirit" and relates that theory to the language and style of Whitman's major poems and essays. Whitman viewed American English as the most expressive, poetic language that ever existed, and he used his studies of historical linguistics to corroborate th...