Progress Monitoring for Beginning Readers (PMBR) Kit
by Brookes Publishing co
Literacy for All in Africa
Weblogs are about reading and writing. Literacy is about reading and writing. Blogging equals literacy. How rarely does an aspect of how we live and work plug so perfectly into how we teach and learn? Reading this book will give teachers important clues not only in how to become a blogger and to make their students bloggers, but also how this new avenue of expression is revolutionizing the information environment that we live in.
Language, Culture, and Community in Teacher Education
Published by Routledge for the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education This volume addresses the pressing reality in teacher education that all teachers need to be prepared to work effectively with linguistically and culturally diverse student populations. Every classroom in the country is already, or will soon be, deeply affected by the changing demographics of America's students. Marilyn Cochran-Smith's Foreword and Donaldo Macedo's Introductory Essay set the context with res...
Reading, Writing, and Digitizing offers a new theoretical proposal concerning expert and novice readers and writers based on the psycholinguistics of literacy. This book has five specific goals. First, it presents a theory of meta-reading and writing that describes what literacy experts are able to do with written text. They do what the word "meta" describes: go before and after, into and around, beyond and beside written text to understand and create meaning. Second, the case studies presented...
Maps, Charts and Graphs, Level F, Transparencies with Teacher Guide (Maps Charts and Graphs (Teacher's Guides))
Maps, Charts and Graphs, Level E, Transparencies with Teacher Guide (Maps Charts and Graphs (Teacher's Guides))
A volume in TeachingLearning Indigenous, Intercultural Worldviews: International Perspectives on Social Justice and Human Rights Series Editor: Tonya Huber, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota In an increasingly global learning environment, teachers are challenged to meet a myriad of student needs-provide basic literacy and mathematics skills, improve scientific and technological thinking, increase bilingual and multi-lingual competencies. Reilly and Gangi provide a new vision of what it means...
Shanghai Bride – Her Tumultuous Life′s Journey to the West
by Christina Ching Ching
Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, Volume 4
The Review of Adult Learning and Literacy: Connecting Research Policy, and Practice, Volume 4 is the newest addition to a series of annual publications of the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL) that address major issues, the latest research, and the best practices in the field of adult literacy and learning. Volume 4 opens with an overview of significant recent developments in the field. Subsequent chapters cover a wide range of topics critical to the success o...
Codeswitching in the Classroom (Language Education Tensions in Global and Local Contexts)
Bringing together sociolinguistic, linguistic, and educational perspectives, this cutting‐edge overview of codeswitching examines language mixing in teaching and learning in bilingual classrooms. As interest in pedagogical applications of bilingual language mixing increases, so too does a need for a thorough discussion of the topic. This volume serves that need by providing an original and wide-ranging discussion of theoretical, pedagogical, and policy‐related issues and obstacles in classroom s...
Understanding Language in Diverse Classrooms
by Marilyn J. Shatz and Louise C. Wilkinson
With the increasing linguistic and cultural diversity of students in U. S. schools, all teachers, regardless of the content area or grade they teach, need research-based strategies for assisting all students to gain English proficiency. This practical, concise guide shows teachers what they need to know about language, how it is learned, how it is used, and how teaching about it can be incorporated into lessons throughout the curriculum. Understanding Language in Diverse Classrooms offers a mo...
Understanding Adult Functional Literacy: Connecting Text Features, Task Demands, and Respondent Skills
by Sheida White
"This is a genuinely scholarly work ... It is based on [analysis of] the most up-to-date quantitative surveys that we have on adult literacy. These surveys are the gold standard in terms of documenting adult literacy in the United States ...The author analyzes these extensive surveys and puts them into a theoretical context in a way that has not been done before." - Rosemary J. Park, University of Minnesota "I don't know of any book providing the same information. There is a shortage of literat...
The Heath Anthology of American Literature (Heath Anthology of American Literature)
by Paul Lauter, Richard Yarborough, Jackson R Bryer, Anne Goodwyn Jones, King-Kok Cheung, Wendy Martin, Charles Molesworth, Raymond Parades, Ivy Schweitzer, and Linda Wagner-Martin
Unrivaled diversity and teachability have made "The Heath Anthology" a best-selling text since the publication of its first edition in 1989. In presenting a more inclusive canon of American literature, "The Health Anthology" continues to balance the traditional, leading names in American literature with lesser-known writers and to build upon the anthology's other strengths: its apparatus and its ancillaries.
Educating Literacy Teachers Online (Language and Literacy)
by Lane W Clarke and Susan Watts Taffe
This book is a comprehensive guide for literacy teacher educators and professional development trainers who teach and work in online settings. The authors provide tools, techniques, and resources for developing courses, workshops, and other online learning experiences, including blended/hybrid delivery formats that combine face-to-face meetings with online practices.
Achieving Success in English-Language Arts in California - Student Text (High School Exit Exam Test Prep FL & TX)
by Howard I Berrent
Cracking the Common Core
by William E. Lewis, Sharon Walpole, and Michael C. McKenna
This book guides teachers in grades 6-12 to strategically combine a variety of texts--including literature, informational texts, and digital sources--to meet their content-area goals and the demands of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). It presents clear-cut ways to analyze text complexity, design challenging text sets, and help students get the most out of what they read. Provided are practical instructional ideas for building background knowledge, promoting engagement, incorporating discu...
Handbook of Early Literacy Research
Building crucial bridges between theory, research, and practice, this volume brings together leading authorities on the literacy development of young children. The Handbook examines the full range of factors that shape learning in and out of the classroom, from basic developmental processes to family and sociocultural contexts, pedagogical strategies, curricula, and policy issues. Highlights of Volume 3 include cutting-edge perspectives on English language learning; innovative ways to support pr...
Literacy, Language and Community Publishing