Tony Ross, who has already produced modern retellings of traditional tales such as "Red Riding Hood" and "Goldilocks", has created a new and illustrated version of the popular fairy-tale "Hansel and Gretel", which nevertheless remains true to the original Grimm. Other works by the same author include "Super Dooper Jezebel", "Oscar Got the Blame", "Stone Soup", "I Want My Potty" and "Foxy Fables".
The Adventures of Sir George the Wise Knight and Scraggin Dragon
by Valeria Vata Rae
Anansi Goes Fishing (1 Hardcover/1 CD) (Anansi)
by Eric A Kimmel
The Prince & Princess Story Book (Andrew Lang Fairy Book)
by Andrew Lang
"Some of the first, and best, stories we ever hear in our lives."-Washington Post The Prince & Princess Story Book (originally The Book of Princes and Princesses), part of Andrew Lang's original Fairy Book series, has been admired time and time again, enchanting readers with its carefully crafted prose and eclectic assortment of true historical tales, written by Leonora Lang, Andrew Lang's wife, and featuring rulers from all across history. Originally published in 1908, this collection of celeb...
The fairytales of Scotland portray a world of magic and shape- shifting. Horses and foxes that turn into handsome princes, thorns that turn into woods, and a tiny stone that becomes an enormous rock - these are some of the amazing transformations that take place in this anthology. The characters in these sixteen tales, from jealous stepmothers and gruesome ghosts to chivalrous princes and beautiful princesses, are some of the most memorable in all folk literature. Read of the poor seal woman ta...
Pre-Columbian Stories (Tales from Around the World (Thomson Learning))
by Robert Hull
A retelling of seven tales from the oral tradition of the Indians of Central and South America, with information about their meaning and origin.
The storyteller finds himself in Twilight Land at the Inn of the Sign of Mother Goose where well-known characters from fairyland are gathered and each one tells a story.