An overview of the history and daily lives of German people who immigrated to the United States.
Ellis Island - Cof 2nd Edition (Cornerstones of Freedom )
by R Conrad Stein
Describes the history, closing, and restoration of the Ellis Island immigration center and depicts the experiences of the immigrants who came to Ellis Island at the turn of the twentieth century.
Immigration Reform (At Issue (Hardcover)) (At Issue (Paperback))
Enrique's Journey (the Young Adult Adaptation)
by Sonia Nazario
Ellis Island (Patriotic Symbols of America, #20) (American Symbols & Their Meanings)
by Hal Marcovitz
Between 1892 and 1954, more than 12 million immigrants entered the United States through the Ellis Island processing station in New York harbor. To these immigrants, Ellis Island was a symbol of the American dream—once they passed through its gates, they could start a new life with opportunities that were not available to them in their countries of origin. Today, roughly one-third of our country's population is descended from those who were processed at Ellis Island, and the facility is now a mu...
Syrian Heritage (21st Century Junior Library: Celebrating Diversity in My Cla)
by Tamra Orr
A middle-grade history of the "other Ellis Island" traces how Angel Island served as an entry point for one million Asian immigrants to the United States in the early 20th century, drawing on memoirs, diaries, letters and "wall poems" discovered at the facility long after it closed to describe the center's screening process, immigration policies and eventual renaissance as a historic site. Drawing from memoirs, diaries, letters, and the "wall poems" discovered at the facility long after it clos...
Sophia and Alex Go to Preschool / Sof�a y Alejandro van al pre-escolar (Sophia and Alex / Sofia Y Alejandro, #1)
by Denise Bourgeois-Vance
Marshall The Moldovan Meerkat (The Alphabet of Animals)
by Millie Harper
Provides an overview of how Africans were brought to America and gives examples of how they were treated as slaves and the efforts of some to gain freedom.
Righting Canada's Wrongs: Italian Canadian Internment in the Second World War (Righting Canada's Wrongs)
by Pamela Hickman and Jean Smith Cavalluzzo
Immigration (World Issues) (Canada Past Present Future)
by Harriet Brundle
Empowering Journal For Girls (Prompts Questions Planner, #4)
by Kids Empowering
Dominican Heritage (21st Century Junior Library: Celebrating Diversity in My Cla)
by Tamra Orr
Detained and Interrogated (Behind the Curtain)
by Virginia Loh-Hagan
Filipino Heritage (21st Century Junior Library: Celebrating Diversity in My Cla)
by Tamra Orr
Filipino Heritage in the Celebrating Diversity in My Classroom series explores the geography, languages, religions, food, and culture of the Philippines in a fun age-appropriate way. Students with Filipino heritage are a significant and important part of the fabric of America and this book helps foster empathy in all students and a multi-cultural community in the classroom. Glossary, index, and additional backmatter aids further learning.