When People Bully with Words (The Bully-Free Zone)
by Therese Harasymiw
Feminist Girls and Boys (Egalite)
by Luis Amavisca and Lacasa Blanca
What does it mean to be a feminist? Through everyday situations, the girls and boys in this book, help us better understand it. Feminist girls and boys like all colors, wear their hair as long as they want and choose their own toys. They love to play all together and express their emotions. But, above all, they refuse to classify things as "girl´s stuff" and "boy´s stuff". Luis Amavisca and Blanca Lacasa, with Gusti's wonderful illustrations, present, in the form of everyday situations, a brief...
Siblings, Curfews, and How to Deal (Girl Talk)
by Nancy Loewen, Paula Skelley
Lessons Learned?: Reflecting on forty years in childcare. A Memoir by John Fitzgerald
by John Fitzgerald
Lo Que Me Digo a Mí Mismo PRIMERO (What I Tell Myself) (Lo Que Me Digo A Mi Mismo)
by Michael A Brown
Survival Guide to Bullying: Written by a Kid, for a Kid
by Aija Mayrock
My Body Belongs to Me from My Head to My Toes (The Safe Child, Happy Parent)
Now every parent, grandparent, or teacher can explain to a child the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching in a way that young boys and girls can understand. As a child, there are constantly people trying to pick you up, hug you, or tickle you. Sometimes, though, children fall victims to people who try to touch them inappropriately. But how do you tell someone, most likely an adult, that you don’t want to be touched? Or, if it has already happened, how do you tell an adult...
In 2010, Dan Savage and his partner, Terry Miller, uttered three words that would give rise to a global movement focused on empowerment of LGBTQ+ youth — it gets better Growing up isn't easy. Many young people face daily tormenting and bullying, and this is especially true for LGBTQ kids and teens. In response to a number of tragic suicides by LGBTQ students, syndicated columnist and author Dan Savage uploaded a video to YouTube with his partner, Terry Miller. Speaking openly about the bull...
BIBLE JOURNALING FOR KIDS Putting On The Full Armor of God
by Reverend Deborah Scarborough
True stories from New York Times bestselling author Jodee Blanco's tours Have you ever felt alone, as if no one understands what you're going through, and that no matter how hard you try, you're scared things may never get better? Do you wish your classmates would give you a break? I felt that way often in school. I was bullied and excluded for the same reason maybe you or someone you know has been--simply for being different. There were days when all I wanted was to stay in my room. Back then,...
No More Bullies Insults Arent Funny What to Do About Verbal Bullying
by Amanda F Doering
Stand up to bullying with this interactive guide for girls ages 8 to 12 One of the toughest issues girls face is bullying. This standout among bullying books for kids will help girls find their voice and put a stop to bullying, whether it's happening to them or to their friends. They'll find supportive advice that addresses the unique challenges of girl-on-girl bullying and shows them how to boost their confidence, deal with bullying in the moment, and be more empathetic toward others. In addi...