Junior Scientists: Experiment with Bugs (Explorer Junior Library: Science Explorer Junior) (Science Explorer Junior)
by Susan Gray
Longman Homework Handbook: GCSE Biology (stickered) (LONGMAN HOMEWORK HANDBOOKS)
by Chris Millican
Landform Top Tens (Landform Top Tens)
by Anna Claybourne, Anita Ganeri, and Michael Hurley
Vanishing Rain Forest (Rain Forest Today Discovery Library (Hardcover)) (Rain Forest Today Discovery Library (Paperback))
by Ted O'Hare
Explore the Tundra (Fact Finders) (Explore the Biomes)
by Linda Tagliaferro
Uses a number of simple experiments that can be done at home to explain such things as how soap bubbles can get really big, why glue sticks, and why paper towels are absorbent.
Sleepover Girls Crafts (Sleepover Girls Crafts) (Sleepover Girls)
by Mari Bolte
Science for 21st Century GCSE Additional Science Higher Copymaster File
by Penny Johnson and Mark Levesley
The Copymaster File provides photocopiable worksheets for target setting, practicals, classwork, homework, exam practice and internal assessment. All of the materials in the Teacher's Guide and Copymaster File are also available in editable format on the Teachers' Guide and Copymaster File CD-ROM!
Pathways Through Science Chemicals for Home and Garden Study Guide (NUFFIELD MODULAR SCIENCE)
by Nuffield Chelsea Curric Trust
The "Pathways Through Science" series provides workable strategies for tackling the problem of differentiation. The resouces have been designed to match the NEA/WJEC/ULEAC modular GCSE. They can also be organized for use with any other GCSE programmme. Each of the 13 modules consists of five elements: activities; sourcebook; study guide; commentary; and teacher's guide. The activities provide photocopiable material. Each module is divided into five or six "episodes" comprising a series of relate...
The books have been approved by the Textbook Vetting Committee (TVC) of the MoES for use in Ugandan schools. The main features of the course are: *A varied, activity-based approach to learning *Development of problem-solving and life skills *A wide variety of exercises, testing and assessment materials *Many illustrations, to provide stimulus.
Lnogman Science for AQA: GCSE Additional Interim Evaluation Pack. (AQA GCSE SCIENCE)
by Nigel English
Science Web
Exploring Science KS2 Evaluation Pack Year 4 (EXPLORING SCIENCE)
by Penny Johnson and Mark Levesley
The Primary Exploring Science Evaluation Packs contain: x 1 Pupil Book x 1 Teacher's Guide x 1 Pupil Interactive CD ROM Order one on evaluation today to try free for 30 days.
A Guide to Rocks and Minerals Four Corners *The widest cross-curricular coverage including science, history, geography and mathematics themes all clearly linked to the National Curriculum Programmes for Study and the 5-14 Guidelines for Scotland.*Visually inspire all readers with unparalleled Dorling Kindersley photography and design.*Engage and satisfy the curiosity of all readers with lively writing styles and broad range of topics and subjects that provides something to interest and motivate...