Buddhism (Introducing Religions) (World Beliefs and Cultures)
by Sue Penney
A fascinating introduction the wonders and mysteries of the six major world religions. Covers main beliefs, festivals, ways of worshipping and key figures. Contains a calendar of events, glossary and resources for future research. Includes teacher's notes. INTRODUCING
Holi (A World of Festivals S.) (World of Holidays)
by Dilip Kadodwala
Visiting a Gurdwara (Start-up Religion)
by Kanwaljit Kaur-Singh and Ruth Nason
Series has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the new generation of agreed syllabuses based on the model syllabus guidelines. Teachers Books provide a concise introduction to each religion and consist of 10 units of work based on key themes. Poster Packs contain a series of high-quality images to be used with the activities in the Teacher Books to stimulate ideas and discussion
Shree Ganesh Upasana
Pobl Arbennig (Archwilio Ein Byd)
by Tania Ap Sion and Leslie Francis
"Using a first-person narrative, explains the beliefs, customs, and festivals of Sikhism. Explains the clothing, traditions, historical writings, former leaders, and holy places that define Sikhs. Includes a map to show where Sikhism originated"--Provided by publisher.
Heart of Gold continues to treat the poor of the world with generosity and charity, even after a sky spirit tests him by removing all his wealth.
Mindfulness is a method which teaches our minds to stay in the moment, to grow awareness of the self and the world surrounding us, watching without judgement and taking every chance. It seems like a challenging task to achieve for children, but several studies showed how this is a children-friendly topic and very useful. This book will let children understand in an easy and funny way, all the mindfulness principles, enhancing the kids' empathic skills with games and exercises to be done alone or...
Adegau a Thymhorau (Archwilio Ein Byd)
by Tania Ap Sion and Leslie Francis
Global Citizens: World Religions (Set) (21st Century Skills Library: Global Citizens: World Religion)
Ancient India's Myths and Beliefs (World Mythologies) (World Mythologies (Rosen))
by Charles Phillips and Michael Kerrigan
A deer shows compassion to the prince who would have hunted him down and killed him, thus effecting a change in the prince's attitude.
Sikhism (World of Faiths) (QED World of Faiths)
by Kanwaljit Kaur-Singh
Part of the 'World of Faiths' series, this book looks at Sikhism. It features its key beliefs, how it is practised around the world, religious buildings and places, key figures and leaders, and festivals and traditions.
Ancient Greece (Indiana Jones Explores S.) (Picturing The Past)
by John Malam