When the Baby Looney Tunes stumble into an eerie house during a sudden rainstorm, they hear a mysterious voice, summon their courage, and search for its source. Lift-up flaps reveal hidden objects and animals.
Jonathan Edwards (Christian Biographies for Young Readers, #8)
by Simonetta Carr
Describes the beautiful world which God has created, indicates ways in which we have spoiled it, and suggests that we take better care of what we have been given.
St. Rose of Lima (Stories of the Saints for Young People Ages 10 to 100)
by Mary Fabyan Windeatt
More Five-Minute Devotions for Children
by Pamela Kennedy and Douglas Kennedy
Retells the Greek myths in which Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, and Demeter, goddess of grain and agriculture, play major roles.
Maximus and the Lettuce Thieves (Maximus Mouse Books)
by Brian Ogden
Getting into God (Resources for 11-14s)
by Rachel Heathfield and David Bell
This is the third resource in a series for leaders of 11 to 14s, created in partnership with CPAS. The book is designed to help young people explore who God is, what he is like, and how they can build a relationship with him. Each session contains help/information for leaders, discussion starters, Bible study and opportunities to apply what has been learned. The book also contains ready-to-use photocopiable resources.