Postman Pat in a Muddle (New Adventures of Postman Pat, #3) (Postman Pat)
by John Cunliffe
One of Britain's best-loved characters, Postman Pat, is back again with another adventure.
Snappy jokes with scratch-off punchlines.
Egypt's Mysterious Pyramids (Graphic Expeditions) (Graphic Library: Graphic Expeditions)
by Agnieszka Jozefina Biskup
Explore history without the confines of time or distance. Dr. Isabel Soto is an archaeologist and world explorer with the skills to go wherever and whenever she needs to research history, solve a mystery, or rescue colleagues in trouble. Readers join Izzy on her journeys and gain knowledge about historical places, eras, and cultures on the way.
A humorous guide to surviving summer camp offers advice on such subjects as mysterious camp food, avoiding mischievous pranks, getting cool nicknames, passing swim tests, and telling the best ghost stories.
In Too Deep (Wild Thornberry's Ready-To-Read (Hardcover), #4) (The wild Thornberrys, #4)
by Kitty Richards
From the earliest stages of sounding out words to the excitement of reading a whole book without help, Ready-to-Read books open up a world of possibilities to children at four different levels: Pre-Level 1: Recognizing Words Level 1: Starting to Read Level 2: Reading Together Level 3: Reading AloneWhile Marianne and Nigel are away for the day, Debbie and Eliza are put in charge of watching Donnie. But when Donnie disappears, the girls may get more than they bargained for!
There are lots of things a rhinoceros can do around one's house, including eating bad report cards before one's parents see them, tiptoeing downstairs for a midnight snack, and collecting extra allowance.
Rhyme World (Rhyme world)
Mad Libs is the world’s greatest word game and the perfect gift or activity for anyone who likes to laugh! Write in the missing words on each page to create your own hilariously funny stories all about your favorite workout instructor: Richard Simmons! Get movin' with Richard Simmons and his fitness tape: Sweatin' to the PLURAL NOUN! With 21 “fill-in-the-blank” stories about songs you haven't heard in decades, ridiculously colorful tank tops, and aerobic concerts, relive the glory days in this...
Karate Kids One was a black belt. One was a brown. One had a loose belt; His pants fell down. Silly, irreverent, and always clever, these poems showcase Douglas Florian's talent for creating outrageously entertaining verse.More than 150 witty poems accompanied by droll black-and-white drawings will knock the socks off devoted poetry fans and newcomers alike.
Awesome Jokes For 6 Year Olds (Jokes for Kids 5-9, #6)
by Share The Love Gifts
Football Jokes (Funny Side Up)
by Jim Rothaus, James Rothaus, and James R Rothaus
A collection of jokes and riddles featuring football players, coaches, and the game in general.
A Pachi le encanta el helado, los tallarines y las mandarinas, entre otras comidas. Pero también le encanta hacerle preguntas a su papá científico. En este volumen explorarán juntos los porqués del mundo de las cosas: ¿por qué nos vemos al revés en una cuchara?, ¿por qué el jabón remueve suciedad?, ¿quién inventó el papel?, ¿qué pasa cuando hierve el agua?, entre muchas otras preguntas divertidas. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The fourth installment of weird questions children ask, in novel format. Pac...
This delightful collection of humorous verse celebrates the little monster that lurks within every good child. From the silliest of sillies to the gleefully bizarre, monster children and their families will enjoy these imaginative and funny poems from one of America's most beloved poets. Edward Gorey adds to the fun with his mad-as-a-hatter illustrations.
What makes a writer? What inspires them? Where do their stories come from? Striking illustrations and a popular graphic novel format bring to life this anthology of literary legends and their childhoods. Featuring beloved authors such as Maya Angelou, C.S. Lewis, Gene Luen Yang and J.K. Rowling, these stories capture the childhood triumphs, failures, and inspirations that predated their careers. Children ages ten and up will see themselves in these humanised portraits and wonder if they, too, m...