Searching for Gold in the Klondike (You Choose: Seeking History)
by Eric Braun
Pierre Elliot Trudeau (Jr) (Junior Amazing Stories)
by Stan Sauerwein
Livre de coloriage Naruto + 25 dessins SURPRISES en bonus Format moyen
by Rachi DuBois
In the fall of 1899, Britain entered the Second Anglo - Boer War in South Africa confident that its army would make short work of a collection of armed farmers. However, initial confrontations quickly changed attitudes. Following a series of humiliating defeats, Britain quickly sought additional troops. Canada answered the call, and its first contingent consisted of the 2nd (Special Service) Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment (RCR). Fighting their first battle at Paardeburg Drift from Februa...
Margaret can't wait to see her family, but her homecoming is not what she expected. Based on the true story of Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, and complemented by evocative illustrations, Not My Girl makes the original, award-winning memoir, A Stranger at Home, accessible to younger children. It is also a sequel to the picture book When I Was Eight. A poignant story of a determined young girl's struggle to belong, it will both move and inspire readers everywhere.
Quand une fillette de la Nation Gitxsan se dispute avec son frère, elle se souvient d’un des contes de sa grand-mère et part à la recherche d’un caillou avec qui parler de ses sentiments. Ce charmant récit autochtone enseigne aux enfants qu’il est normal d’avoir des sentiments et leur explique comment traiter et relâcher les sentiments négatifs.
A timeless story that will always help our children connect with Mother Nature and our feelings. When a young girl from the Gitxsan Nation argues with her brother, she remembers the teachings of her grandmother and goes in search of a stone to share her feelings with. This engaging Indigenous story teaches children that it is okay to have feelings and shows them how to process and release negative thoughts. Medicine Wheel Publishing is committed to sharing diverse voices and perspectives,...
Small Town Glory (Lorimer Recordbooks, #7) (Recordbooks (Lorimer))
by John Danakas and Richard Brignall
The true story of Phyllis Webstad and her orange shirt that started the "Orange Shirt Day - Every Child Matters" movement. When Phyllis Webstad (nee Jack) turned six, she went to Residential School for the first time. On her first day at school, she wore a shiny orange shirt that her Granny had bought for her, but when she got to the school, it was taken away from her and never returned. This is the true story of Phyllis and her orange shirt. It is also the true story of Orange Shirt Day (an...