Discovering the Technology of the Ancient Americas (Discovering Ancient Technology)
by Lindsey Lowe
One of a series which describes the cultural history of continents or regions through several centuries, this book decribes the periods of Latin America's great civilizations from the time of exploration by European adventurers and traders, and explains the significance of the colonization that followed. It describes the geography of Latin America, the mountains and tropical rainforests, the remains of the Inca, Aztec and Mayan peoples, the explorers from the 15th to the 20th centuries including...
Winston the Traveling Dog goes to Peru & Argentina
by Cynthia Anne Finefrock
Let's Look at Brazil (Let's Look at Countries)
by Joy Frisch-Schmoll
Welcome to Brazil! See the Amazon River. Hear the music of Carnival. Take a trip to South America's largest country to learn about its animals, people and traditions.
Guyana in Pictures (Visual Geography (Twenty-First Century))
by Karen Sirvaitis
The Destruction of the Inca Civilization (Bearing Witness: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing)
by Alexis Burling
Presents information on the history, geography, religion, language, festivals, and other aspects of this land-bound country of South America.
El Salvador in Pictures (Visual Geography (Twenty-First Century))
by Francesca Davis Dipiazza
Introduces the geography, history, government, people, and economy of the smallest and most densely populated of the Central American nations
This book is an introduction to life in the time of the warlike Aztecs, with descriptions of the Aztec emperors, their amazing city, their temples and sacrifices, as well as family and home life, food and clothes, arts and crafts.
Examines the many aspects of culture in the Aztec society, including their food, clothes, buildings, industry, transport, warfare, and technology.
History in Infographics: Mayans (History in Infographics)
by Jon Richards
History in Infographics helps children to visualise facts and statistics using a clever and appealing mix of graphics and numbers. The colourful, high-impact design will appeal to a wide range of children, from visual learners to struggling readers, capturing and then holding their attention. Infographics are a really exciting, different way to learn about core historical topics, and are ideal for fact-hungry children, revision work, and to improve the quality of presentations. History in Inf...
Central and South America Activitybook (World in Focus (Blackbirch Paperback))
by John-Paul Bianchi
Incas (Myths & Legends)
Peru (Enchantment of the World) (Enchantment of the World)
by Michael Burgan
An introduction to the geography, history, culture, and people of the largest country in South America.
Mexico (Countries of the World Set 1) (Countries of the World (Gareth Stevens))
by A M Buckley