Chinese Cinderella (Chinese Cinderella) (A Puffin Book)
by Adeline Yen Mah
Jung-ling's family considers her bad luck because her mother died giving birth to her. They discriminate against her and make her feel unwanted yet she yearns and continuously strives for her parents' love. Her stepmother is vindictive and cruel andher father dismissive. Jung-ling grows up to be an academic child, with a natural ability for writing. Only her aunt and grandfather offer her any love and kindness. The story is of survival in the light of the mental and physical cruelty of her stepm...
Families come in all shapes and sizes. Readers will learn all about kids who split their time between two households through everyday and relatable situations. They may just find out that this special family situation isn’t so different from their own! Title is complete with sweet, colorful photos and easy-to-read text with bolded glossary terms. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.
My Parents are Divorced, Too
by Melanie Ford, Annie Ford, Steven Ford, and Jan Blackstone-Ford
Three stepsiblings in a blended family discuss their experiences and those of friends with divorce and remarriage.
Una introducción clara al racismo y a las señales para detectarlo. Sí, este es un libro sobre el racismo y una guía ideal para que los adultos puedan dar respuesta a los niños sobre todas sus dudas en torno al tema: ¿qué es el racismo? ¿qué se siente cuando alguien lo sufre? ¿cómo puedes identificarlo en tu entorno? En su interior, encontrarás:Texto con tamaño grande y fuentes llamativas que facilitan la lectura.Un tono amigable, motivador y apropiado para los niños.Escrito por un autor que e...
So Lucky To Be A Stepsister
by Blank Book Billionaire and My Holiday Journal
You Are The Most Awesome Stepmom Ever Keep That Shit Up
by Publishing By Tay
What Makes a Family (What Makes a Family)
by Martha Elizabeth Hillman Rustad
Talking about Divorce (Sesame Street (R) Tough Topics)
by Brianna Kaiser
Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do
by Grandparents Notebook Journal