Scientists, Healers, and Inventors (Book of Black Heroes)
by Wade Hudson
Let's Celebrate Emancipation Day & Juneteenth (Holidays & Heroes)
by Barbara deRubertis
Braving the New World(oop) (Milestones in Black American History)
by Don Nardo
The Harlem Renaissance (Lucent Library of Black History)
by Andy Koopmans
Juneteenth (First Step Nonfiction) (First Step Nonfiction -- American Holidays)
by Robin Nelson
..".recommended for high-school, public, and undergraduate libraries..." Booklist ..".well written and concise...very useful...Recommended." Choice ..".thorough, well-researched...well-organized and comprehensive...[an] excellent volume..." VOYA African-American Writers, Revised Edition profiles popular and prominent African-American writers across many genres of literature. Each entry in this thoroughly revised resource provides a biographical profile, concentrating on the major literary...
The African American Civil Rights Movement (Causes and Consequences)
by Michael Weber
Discusses the causes and consequences of the movement to achieve full political, economic, and social equality for blacks.
March on Washington,1963 (Spotlight on American history)
by Tricia Andryszewski
Recounts the historical antecedents and events leading up to the March on Washington in 1963, led by Martin Luther King, Jr., and other prominent African American leaders in their quest for equal civil rights.
Stephen Curry (My Early Library: My Itty-Bitty Bio)
by Katlin Sarantou
Serena Williams (My Early Library: My Itty-Bitty Bio)
by Katlin Sarantou
We Shall Overcome (We Shall Overcome)
by Allison Elizabeth Crotzer Kimmel and Lori Mortensen
When she was only five years old, her parents took her to see the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. Raven perched on her crushed velvet seat, heard the tympani, and cried with delight even before the curtain lifted. From that moment on, her passion for dance only grew deeper inside of her. No black ballerina had ever danced with a major touring troupe before. Raven would be the first.
A Timeline of the Abolitionist Movement (Timelines of American History)
by Judy Levin