The Beginner's Bible Let's Meet Jesus (The Beginner's Bible)
by Zonderkidz
If you’re looking to introduce the little hearts in your life to the big heart of Jesus, then look no further than The Beginner's Bible Let's Meet Jesus—connecting young readers to Christ in a fun, lasting, meaningful way. With colorful illustrations, classic art, and easy-to-read text highlighting the life of Jesus, this board book is perfect for little ones beginning their journey of faith. The Beginner's Bible Let's Meet Jesus:Is great for children ages 0–4Makes a great gift for Easter, Chri...
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (Encounter the Saints (Library))
by Jeanne Marie Grunwell
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Holiday House Reader: Level 2 (Library)) (Holiday House Reader: Level 2 (Hardcover))
by David A Adler
Tells the story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., his life, accomplishments in the civil rights movement, and his impact on American history.
Anne Hutchinson (Great Americans (Gareth Stevens Hardcover)) (Grandes Personajes)
by Barbara Kiely Miller
Occasions for the Gospel Volume 1 (Flash Card Format 57001-Acs, #57001)
by Chrystal Stauffer, Hannah Landis, and Bible Visuals International
Salvador of Spain (Flashcard Format 5510-Acs, #5510)
by Mary Lou Brownell, Katherine Hershey, and Roy Jones
Lives of Saints For young People Volume 2 (Lives of Saints for Young People)
by Lazar Puhalo
Gregor Mendel (Science Readers) (Life Science Readers)
by Lynn Van Gorp
This appealing biography will have children engaged and inspired as they learn about Gregor Mendel and his discovery of how genetics works. The supportive text, accessible glossary, and helpful index work in conjunction with the intriguing facts and alluring images to provide readers with an interesting look at such topics as DNA, genetics, alleles, dominant and recessive genes, Mendel's Law of Heredity, and more! A stimulating lab activity is featured to further excite readers about the fascina...
Mother Teresa of Calcutta and Her Life of Charity - Kids Biography Books Ages 9-12 Children's Biography Books
by Baby Professor
Saint Gianna Beretta Molla (Ess) (Encounter the Saints, #29)
by Patricia Jablonski and Susan Wallace