Reptiles (Animal Babies (Heinemann Library Paperback)) (Animal Babies)
by Rod Theodorou and Alan Fraser
A study of reptiles. It introduces the animal class and characteristics, and then looks in detail at the young, including birth, growing, feeding, learning, hunting, where they live and how they behave. Domestic and wild animals are compared and contrasted to help young children to understand similarities and differences. The book is part of a series providing an introduction to animal classification.
Invasive Mammal Species (Invaders from Earth)
by Richard Spilsbury
First Discovery Whales (Scholastic First Discovery)
by Gallimard Jeunesse, Claude Delafosse, Ute Fuhr, and Raoul Sautai
Composition Book 100 Sheets/200 Pages/8.5 X 11 In. Wide Ruled/ White and Black Zebra
by Goddess Book Press
Kangaroos (Baby Animals (Stargazer Books)) (Baby Animals)
by Kate Petty
Baby Animals is an engaging first natural history series, with spectacular color photos and charming color drawings. The text is easy to red but highly informative. A final two-page spread summarizes fact about the animal in each book.Kangaroo mothers, like all marsupials, carry their babies in pouches. Photos and drawings show kangaroos in their native Australian habitat.