Premiers Elements de Geographie Nouvelle Edition, Entierement Refondue (Histoire)
by Lemonnier-H
Ancient science is a subject that commands extensive general interest. This is the first non-technical survey of the interface between ancient and modern science. It is aimed at crossover student sales in classics, the history of ideas and the history and philosophy of science. Modern science and its technology are the children of the seventeenth-century. But the bold investigative experimentation and scientific systems of thought that this era spawned were in turn thoroughly influenced by Greek...
Ctesias' 'History of Persia' (Routledge Classical Translations)
by Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones and James Robson
Towards the end of the fifth century BC Ctesias of Cnidus wrote his 23 book History of Persia. Ctesias is a remarkable figure: he lived and worked in the Persian court and, as a doctor, tended to the world’s most powerful kings and queens. His position gave him special insight into the workings of Persian court life and access to the gossip and scandal surrounding Persian history and court politics, past and present. His History of Persia was completed at a time when the Greeks were fascinated b...
Souvenirs de Trente Annees de Voyages A Saint-Domingue, Dans Plusieurs Colonies Etrangeres Tome 1 (Histoire)
by de Laujon-A
Documents Relatifs A l'Extension Des Limites de Paris (Histoire)
by Sans Auteur
The Fun Bits of History You Don't Know about First World War Weapons
by Callum Evans
Voyage d'Un Landais A La Fin Du Xviie Siecle (Histoire)
by Tartiere-H
Languedoc Et Provence. Guide Historique Et Pittoresque Dans Nimes Et Les Environs (Ed.1888) (Histoire)
by Sans Auteur
L'Italie, la Sicile, les iles Eoliennes, l'ile d'Elbe, la Sardaigne, Malte, l'ile de Calypso, etc V (Histoire)
by de Chateaubriand F R
Souvenirs de Voyage. MIDI de la France, Ligurie, Genes, Rome
by Mercier Thoinnet
Philosophy of everybody's business. As human beings, we all have the ability, and even the proclivity, to philosophize. We all engage in philosphical thought in the course of our daily live. What is philosophy? Why is it important? The importance of philosophy can be summed up in two words: Great Ideas. Great Ideas are the ideas that have been captured and developed in what are often called the Great Books of Western Civilization. They are common concepts that are a part of everyone's vocabulary...
Jill Dudley writes about the earliest myths regarding the Acropolis, the strange birth of the goddess Athena, and the contest between her and Poseidon, god of the sea, for the patronage of the city. She explains the reason for the Panathenaia festival, and describes the importance of the goddess' image (said to have fallen from heaven) on which the defence of the city was thought to depend. It is as it says on the back cover of the booklet: All you need to know about the sacred site, its myth...
Voyage En Bretagne, Finistere: Precede d'Une Notice Sur La Bretagne Au Xixe Siecle (Histoire)
by Vallin-E
Slavery is a word heavy with emotional and political overtones - to be owned by another person and treated as a commodity is the ultimate injustice. But this was the fate of a substantial percentage of the population of the ancient world. Slavery was essential to their societies; thus slavery is necessarily a core topic in the study of classical civilisation. Most previous studies of ancient slavery have grown out of historical and literary research. In the flood of books and papers on the subje...