Compañía Peruana de Vapores Y Dique del Callao; Servicio Quincenal Rápido Entre Panamá, Callao Y Valparaiso; Puertos de Escala
by Unknown Author
The essential biography of the man, the general, the war hero, John J. Pershing. One of America's most famous Army officers, Pershing was born in Missouri on September 13, 1860. He graduated from West Point in 1886 and served in the Spanish-American War, the Philippines Insurrection, the Mexican Expedition and was the overall American Commander in Europe during World War I. Following the war, he served as Army Chief of Staff. He died at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington on July 15,...
The New International Encyclopedia, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint)
by Daniel Coit Gilman
Lebensgeschichte Georg Washington's. Volume 2 of 5
by Washington Irving
A Household Story of the American Conflict. the Brother Soldiers
by Mary Stephens Robinson
The Evolution of Photography (Literature of Photography S.)
by John Werge
Justice and Expediency, Or, Slavery Considered with a View to Its Rightful and Effectual Remedy, Abolition.
by John Greenleaf Whittier
Answer, by Way of Letter, to Bryan Edwards, Esq., M. P., F. R. S., Planter of Jamaica, &c
by Venault De Charmilly
Exposition of the Boundary Differences Between Great Britain and the United States
by David Urquhart
Review of the Pamphlet of Oswego Against the Intended Enlargement of the Erie Canal.
An Address Delivered Before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, October 4, 1827
U. S. Foreign Agricultural Trade by Countries, Calendar Year 1963
by United States Economic Research Service