A Companion to Woodrow Wilson (Wiley-Blackwell Companions to American History)
by Ross A Kennedy
Fighters Over the Fleet: Naval Air Defence from Biplanes to the Cold War
by Norman Friedman
This is an account of the evolution of naval fighters for fleet air defence and the parallel evolution of the ships operating and controlling them, concentrating on the three main exponents of carrier warfare, the Royal Navy, the US Navy, and the Imperial Japanese Navy. It describes the earliest efforts from the 1920s but it was not until radar allowed the direction of fighters that organised air defence became possible. Thus major naval-air battles of the Second World War - like Midway, the 'Pe...
Filigrane Technik, Catenaccio oder Koerpereinsatz? Eine Betrachtung der Entwicklung des Fussballs von 1954 bis 1970
by Holger Skorupa
The First World War Diaries of Emma Duffin, Belfast Voluntary Aid Detachment Nurse
Spaten statt Kalaschnikow. Bausoldaten in der Nationalen Volksarmee (NVA) der DDR
by Julius Legde
Boydell & Brewer are pleased to announce that as from 1 December 2001 they will be distributing the Victoria County History, which has an international reputation as a work of reference for English local history. Begun in 1899, the publication of about three new volumes each year is gradually creating an encyclopedic history of the counties, ranging from earliest times to the present. For each county there is or is planned a set of volumes, containing general chapters on subjects such as prehist...
"This is the most authoritative and highly literate account of these pernicious people that I have ever read." -- Patrick O'Brian Pirates are so much a part of legend that it is easy to forget they actually existed. UNDER THE BLACK FLAG tells their story in a rollicking account of the golden age of piracy that is packed with history, anecdote, and above all adventure. Here are the true stories of such bloodthirsty legends as Blackbeard and Captain Kidd, Anne Bonny, and the fearsome Mary Read. A...
The definitive biography of Soviet Jewish dissident writer Vasily Grossman, called "gripping" and "fascinating" by William Taubman in the New York Times "[Popoff] tells Grossman's story with sensitivity and a keen understanding of his world, drawing on little-known archival collections to produce what must be considered the definitive biography."-Douglas Smith, Wall Street Journal Longlisted for the 2019 Cundill History Prize sponsored by McGill University; finalist in the 2019 National Jewi...
The Oxford Handbook of World History presents thirty-three essays by leading historians in their respective fields. The chapters address the most important issues explored by contemporary world historians. These broadly fall into four categories: conceptions of the global past, themes in world history, processes of world history, regions in world history. Those chapters on conceptions deal with issues of space and time as treated in the field of world history as well as questions of method, e...
In the worst peacetime disaster experienced by the Russian Navy, on 12 August 2000 the state-of-the-art nuclear-powered Kursk submarine sank with the loss of 118 officers and crew. The sinking was a humanitarian, environmental, and military catastrophe for Russia, and a powerful political reversal for President Putin But what really happened? Peter Truscott, former Foreign Affairs and Defence spokesperson in the European Parliament and Vice-President of the Security Committee, aims to provide th...
Burnham Norton Friary, one of the first Carmelite houses founded in England (1242-7), was dissolved in 1538. Its remains comprise the restored gatehouse, west gable of the church rebuilt as a barn, Friary Cottage and an open space which was once the precinct. The post-Dissolution history of monastic sites has generally not been well studied. At Norton, nothing was known of its owners between 1561 and 1914, what relationships, if any, they had, or how they used the site. The fate of the Friary...
The Long 1989
The fall of communism in Europe is now the frame of reference for any mass mobilization, from the Arab Spring to the Occupy movement to Brexit. Even thirty years on, 1989 still figures as a guide and motivation for political change. It is now a platitude to call 1989 a “world event,” but the chapters in this volume show how it actually became one. The authors of these nine essays consider how revolutionary events in Europe resonated years later and thousands of miles away: in China and South Af...
Original Papers, Containing the Secret History of Great Britain from the Restoration, to the Accession of the House of Hannover
by James MacPherson
Emiliano Zapata und Francisco Villa als Erinnerungsorte der Mexikanischen Revolution
by Juan Esteban Zorzin