Autobiography of Charles Biddle, Vice-president of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania. 1745-1821
by Charles 1745-1821 Biddle and James S Biddle
History of the Town of Goshen, Hampshire County, Massachusetts
by Hiram 1822-1883 Barrus
You Wouldn't Want to Be an American Pioneer! (You Wouldn't Want To...)
by Jacqueline Morley
A light-hearted look at some of the difficulties faced by the pioneers who traveled by wagon train across the United States to settle in the West.
Describes the people and events that have shaped the state's history.
Denver in the Gilded Age may have been an economic boomtown, but it was also a powder keg waiting to explode. When that inevitable eruption occurred-in the Anti-Chinese Riot of 1880-it was sparked by white resentment at the growing encroachment of Chinese immigrants who had crossed the Pacific Ocean and journeyed overland in response to an expanding labour market. Liping Zhu's book provides the first detailed account of this momentous conflagration and carefully delineates the story of how anti-...
The Story of the Sesqui-Centennial Celebration of Pittsburgh, July 4, September 27 to October 3, and November 25, 1908
by Sidney A King
Biographical Sketch and Sermon, of Elder Jacob King, of Upson County, Georgia
Journal of a Voyage Across the Atlantic [microform]
by George 1806-1876 Moore
Lost Washington, D.C. looks at the cherished places in the city that time, progress and fashion have swept aside. The Lost series from Pavilion Books looks back in loving detail at many of the things that have helped create a city’s unique identity that have since disappeared; the streetcars, the shops, the parks, the churches, the amusement parks, the communities, even the annual parades. It looks at the landmark buildings that failed to be preserved, the hotels that could not be adapted and fe...