5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2012-2013 Edition (5 Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations)
by Peggy J Martin
Das Buch untersucht das Leben des Liechtensteiner Unternehmers Martin Hilti (1915-1997) und seine Beziehung zum Nationalsozialismus im Furstentum Liechtenstein. Der Begrunder der Maschinenbau Hilti, der heutigen Hilti AG in Schaan, war einer der aggressivsten Verfechter des Nationalsozialismus im Furstentum. Im beruchtigten Hetzblatt "Der Umbruch" denunzierte, verhoehnte und verspottete Hilti jahrelang Juden in Liechtenstein und forderte die Vernichtung der "judischen Rasse". Der Autor analysier...
2020 Daily Planner Ben Franklin Quote Lost Time Vintage Style 388 Pages
by Distinctive Journals
A Teacher's Guide to the Civil War: A History in Documents (Pages from History )
by Kathleen Cochrane Kean
2020 Daily Planner Ben Franklin Quote Making Excuses Vintage Style 388 Pages
by Distinctive Journals
History of Universities (History of Universities)
Volume XXIX/2 of History of Universities contains the customary mix of learned articles and book reviews which makes this publication such an indispensable tool for the historian of higher education. This special issue, guest edited by Alexander Broadie, particularly focuses on Seventeenth-Century Scottish Philosophers and their Philosophy. The volume is, as always, a lively combination of original research and invaluable reference material.
Die Studien befassen sich mit unterschiedlichen Aspekten der studentischen Migration in und nach Europa vom 18. bis in die 2. Halfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Untersucht werden Ursprungsregionen und Ziele der Studentenwanderung, Fragen ihrer nationalen, ethnischen sowie sozialen Zusammensetzung, ihre fachlichen Interessen. Dabei wird reiches statistisches Material vorgelegt. Ein zentrales Thema bilden die Organisation, Wahrnehmung und Selbstwahrnehmung der Studierenden im Ausland sowie die Politik b...
Classroom Ready Activities for Teaching History and Geography in Grades 7-12
by Thomas P. Ruff and Jennifer T. Nelson
Combining a selection of resource and reference materials with specific classroom-tested activities, this imaginative book offers teachers many new ways to help students understand the concepts underlying the study of history and geography. The book can be used by secondary teachers with their students, or as a text for prospective teachers preparing to teach history in grades 7-12. The authors begin by discussing the impact of recent studies and commissions established to arrive at a consensus...
Pilar - Da Aldeia Cariri Aos Nossos Dias
by Lucimario Augusto Da Silva
Beyond the Canon
'Beyond the Canon' deals with recent politicized processes of canonization and its implications for historical culture in a globalizing and postcolonial world. The volume discusses the framing and transmission of historical knowledge and its consequences for the construction of narratives and the teaching of history in multicultural environments.
Teaching History with Newsreels and Public Service Shorts (Teaching History with...)
by Aaron Gulyas
Popular media has become a common means by which students understand both the present and the past. Consequently, more teachers are using various forms of popular culture as pedagogical tools in the history classroom. Among the many materials available to teachers in the digital age are public-domain films produced throughout the twentieth century. These include studio-made newsreels, government-produced war propaganda, corporate-sponsored cartoons, and public health shorts that show teens every...
Textualization of Experience (Studies in Classical Literature and Culture, #12)
by Pawel Majewski
Ensure your students have access to the authoritative and in-depth content of this popular and trusted A Level History series. For over twenty years Access to History has been providing students with reliable, engaging and accessible content on a wide range of topics. Each title in the series provides comprehensive coverage of different history topics on current AS and A2 level history specifications, alongside exam board specific questions and tips to help students achieve exam success. The ser...
Tudor Years - Second Edition (Years Of) (Years of... S.)
by David Grossel, Malcolm Saxon, Peter Servini, Roy Sloan, Edward Towne, and Henry Jeffries
The second edition of this popular Years of... title provides core coverage of English history from the emergence of the Tudor dynasty during the Wars of the Roses through to the death of Elizabeth I. The authors analyse the reigns of the respective Tudor monarchs and examine important themes including the Tudor Rebellions, economy and society, culture and society, religion in Tudor England, and relations with Scotland, Wales and Ireland during the period. The chapters are detailed yet accessibl...
The use of primary sources as texts in the classroom is growing. Teachers realize these vital witnesses provide opportunities to motivate students and improve learning. They bring students closer to the people, places, and events being studied and help students improve content knowledge while building skills. Recent trends in standards, such as Common Core, and the increasing use of the Document-Based Questions also promote primary source use. The strong push to use primary sources in teaching...
This third edition has been revised and updated to reflect the needs of the current specifications. The title explores the developments and factors in nineteenth century Germany that affected the move towards national unity, before going on to examine Bismarck's Germany and his fall, and ending with a new section examining the policies and changes within the new German state up to the formation of the Weimar Republic in 1919. The book also includes an assessment of Bismarck as a leader and quest...
Documents Diplomatiques Français (Documents Diplomatiques Francais - Depuis 1954, Sous La Dire, #37)
Les principales questions abordees dans le present volume sont dans la continuite de celles qui faisaient la trame du deuxieme semestre de l'annee 1969. Ce sont: la politique francaise a l'egard de la candidature britannique a la CEE; la politique mediterraneenne de la France; les relations franco-americaines a l'occasion du voyage du president Pompidou aux Etats-Unis; les relations avec les regimes sud-africain et portugais qui mettent la France en difficulte avec les pays africains. A la suit...