Roman Military Diplomas 1954 to 1977 (UCL Institute of Archaeology Publications)
by Margaret M. Roxan
This volume publishes records 82 diplomas or fragments which provide vital evidence for the Roman military and legal world. It is the first volume of a set of four created by Roxan, the worlds expert on this subject.
An examination of how historical thinking has changed in recent years, through a comparison between Eastern and Western epochs. Until recently almost all histories of historiography have focused on national developments or at best introduced a comparative note from a limited Western perspective. Only in the last few years have there been serious attempts to transcend these borders. The present volume examines turning points in historical thought in a variety of cultures. The essays in the first...
Das Christentum: Werden Im Konflikt (de Gruyter Studienbuch)
by Gunter Meckenstock
Diese Arbeit beschaftigt sich mit einer besonderen Form des internationalen Bildungs- und Personalaustausches, namlich mit der grenzubergreifenden Studentenmobilitat am Beispiel des Auslandsstudiums von Chinesen in Deutschland. Sie wurde als praxisorientierte, interdisziplinare Studie angelegt und integriert sowohl historische wie erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse. Neben der kulturgeschichtlichen und bildungspolitischen Rekonstruktion der rund 150-jahrigen Geschichte des Ausla...
2020 Weekly Planner Ben Franklin Quote Great Empire Vintage Style 134 Pages
by Distinctive Journals
The Legacy of Thomas Paine in the Transatlantic World
As early as 1892, Moncure Conway, the author of the first scholarly Paine biography, noted that whilst Paine’s life up to 1809 was certainly fascinating, his subsequent life – that is, his afterlife – was even more thrilling. Vilified by Theodore Roosevelt as a "filthy little atheist," yet employed by Ronald Reagan in his campaign to make America "great again," Paine’s words and ideas have been both celebrated and dismissed by generations of politicians and presidents. An Englishman by birth, an...
Critical Collaborations: Indigeneity, Diaspora, and Ecology in Canadian Literary Studies
History Higher SQA Past Papers
History and Literacy in Y7: Building the lesson around the text (History in Practice)
by Christine Counsell
NEW MyLab History with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for World History in Brief
by Stearns
Radical Unions in Europe and the Future of Collective Interest Representation (Trade Unions. Past, Present and Future, #20)
This book analyses contemporary trends in radical unionism in Europe. It contains nine country case-studies that probe the limits and possibilities of trade union renewal with a focus on radical activity. The editors follow a broad definition of radical unionism, including trade union organisations that can be characterised as radical either in terms of ideology and political identity or in terms of organising and mobilising activity. The ongoing economic crisis and consequent austerity measures...
SAT Subject Test(tm) World History with CD (REA Test Preps)
by Deborah Vess, Lynn E Marlowe, and Niles Holt
You're History integrates book and whiteboard materials on a fascinating range of topics that will show students how the world they live in, and the traditions they encounter, owe so much to the past. Topics and themes allow opportunities to develop core history skills, with plenty of flexibility for teachers to adapt and integrate their own materials and ideas. Rule Makers & Rule Breakers features themes which emphasise the personal and social aspects of history. The Teacher Support Guide provi...
An Account Of The Library Of The College Of Physicians Of Philadelphia, 1788-1906 (1906)
by Charles Perry Fisher
International Yearbook of History Education (Woburn Education)
First Published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Connecting History: Higher The Impact of the Great War, 1914-1928
by Euan M. Duncan
Exam board: SQALevel: HigherSubject: HistoryFirst teaching: September 2018First exam: Summer 2019Fresh stories, fresh scholarship and a fresh structure. Connecting History informs and empowers tomorrow's citizens, today.Bringing together lesser-told narratives, academic excellence, accessibility and a sharp focus on assessment success, this series provides a rich, relevant and representative History curriculum.> Connect the past to the present. Overarching themes of social justice, equality, cha...
Think more deeply and work more independently at A level History through a carefully thought-out enquiry approach from SHP.Enquiring History: It makes you think! The OFSTED report on school history suggests that the current generation of A Level students have been poorly served by exam-based textbooks which spoon-feed students while failing to enthuse them or develop deeper understandings of studying History The Schools History Project has risen to this challenge with a new series for the next...
The Use and Abuse of History: Or How the Past Is Taught to Children
by Author Marc Ferro
Im Rahmen der Analyse wird untersucht, welche Faktoren fur den Erfolg, aber auch das Versagen des Giesser Wochenblatts verantwortlich waren und wie das Periodikum von der Geschichte der Stadt und ihrer Universitat gepragt wurde. Daraus ergibt sich auch die Notwendigkeit, zu untersuchen, wie die Vernunft der Aufklarung in der Provinz, namlich in einer hessischen Universitatsstadt, mittels eines Periodikums wirkte, und die Qualitat dieser Wechselwirkung zu bestimmen. In diesem Zusammenhang wird zu...