Entretiens Avec Le General de Gaulle, 1961-1969 (Histoire, #6028807)
by Michel Debre
This portrait of the French seventeenth century playwright, novelist and short story writer Moliere was written by a Russian satarist of the twentieth century Bulgakov, both seen as fearless and uncompromising in speaking of what they saw and whose work was banned by their respective governments. Bulgakov is a well-known Russian novelist. He has also written "The Master and Margarita" and "The White Guard"among others. In 1987 the BBC televised his play about Moliere, "The Cabal of the Hypocrite...
L'Abbe Gregoire Et La Naissance Du Patrimoine National...
by Boulad-Ayoub Josiane
Si La France m' tait Cont e... Voyage Encyclop dique Au Coeur de la France d'Autrefois. Volume 1
by La France Pittoresque
Louis XIV Et Son Siecle, Vol. 1 (Classic Reprint)
by Alexandre Dumas
uvres Completes de Voltaire, Vol. 3: Théâtre, Tome Deuxième (Classic Reprint)
Catalogue Des Livres Du Cabinet de M. (Classic Reprint)
by Jean Pierre Imbert Chatre De Cange
Rebecca L. Spang, who revolutionized our understanding of the restaurant, has written a new history of money. It is also a new history of the French Revolution, with economics at its heart. In her telling, radicalization was driven by an ever-widening gap between political ideals-including "freedom of money"-and the harsh realities of daily life.
Anecdotes Du Règne de Louis XVI, Vol. 6
by Pierre-Jean-Baptiste Nougaret
Les Juifs a Marseille Pendant La Seconde Guerre Mondiale (Histoire, #61)
by Renee Dray-Bensousan
Das AEbtissinnenamt in Den Unterelsassischen Frauenstiften Vom 14. Bis Zum 16. Jahrhundert
by Sabine Klapp
La Reforme Intellectuelle Et Morale (3e Ed.) (Ed.1872) (Histoire)
by Ernest Renan
France, Britain, and the Struggle for the Revolutionary Western Mediterranean (War, Culture and Society, 1750 -1850)
by Joshua Meeks
This book investigates the conflict over control over the Western Mediterranean in the late eighteenth-century. The Western Mediterranean during the 1790s featured a constant struggle for control over the region. While most histories point to military events such as the Italian Campaign as descriptive of this struggle between the two competing ideological forces of Revolutionary France and the Counter-Revolutionary First Coalition led by Britain, this book takes a different approach. Rather than...
Histoire de la Revolution Francaise, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint)
by Adolphe Thiers