Representing Agrippina: Constructions of Female Power in the Early Roman Empire (American Classical Studies)
by Judith Ginsburg
Seneca in Performance
The plays of Seneca the Younger, minister and philosopher under Nero, are today increasingly studied, appreciated - and performed. Here, in a collection of papers from an international cast, scholars explore both established questions, such as the playwright's subtleties of characterisation, his relation to contemporary Roman spectacle and art - and the problems arising in translating him to modern text or stage.
Nuovo Diploma Militare Dell'imperatore Traiano Decio (Classic Reprint)
by Bartolomeo Borghesi
Histoire de la chute de l'Empire Romain et du declin de la civilisation
by Jean-Charles-Leonard de Sismondi
Nullus locus sine genio (Collection Latomus, Volume 335)
by Marco Cavalieri
Il libro affronta in maniera sistematica il fenomeno cultuale, insediamentale e socio-politico dei santuari extraurbani nella Cisalpina dall'eta del Ferro alla piena romanita ed oltre, fondandosi su un'analisi sinottica di strutture, siti e territorio, studiati sempre in rapporto dialettico con il concetto interpretativo di fondo, la romanizzazione, intesa non solo come imperialistica imposizione politico-militare e culturale, ma come adesione a nuove fo...
A Most Merry and Illustrated History of the Last Days of Pompeii
by Charles F Cooper
Histoire Universelle Depuis Le Commencement Du Monde Jusqu'à Présent, Vol. 9
by George Psalmanazar
Cicero ALS Historiker (Beitrage Zur Altertumskunde, #39)
by Martin Fleck
Handbuch Der Alten Geographie, Aus Den Quellen Bearbeitet, Vol. 2
by Albert Forbiger
The extraordinary richness of ancient Rome was a recurring inspiration to writers, artists, scholars, and architects in sixteenth-century France. This engrossing book explores the ways in which the perception of Rome as a physical and symbolic entity stimulated intellectual endeavor across the disciplines. Examining work by writers such as Du Bellay, Grevin, Montaigne, and Garnier, and by architects and artists such as Philibert de L'Orme and Jean Cousin, Margaret McGowan shows how they drew up...
La Cite Antique (Academia Renascens, #4) (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics)
by Fustel de Coulanges
La Cite Antique is the best-known work by the nineteenth-century French historian Fustel de Coulanges (1830-1889), who pioneered an objective approach to the study of history, and the use of primary rather than secondary sources. This reissue is of the 1866 edition of the book, which was originally published in 1864 while the author was professor of history at Strasbourg. It explores the influence of religion and kinship on the development of the laws and political institutions of ancient Greek...
Bis Zur Schlacht Bei Pydna (168 V. Chr.) (Sammlung Goeschen, #19)
by Franz Altheim
Rivista Di Filologia E Di Istruzione Classica, 1912, Vol. 40 (Classic Reprint)
by Ettore Stampini
Mediterranee Ruptures Et Continuites (Travaux de la Maison de L'Orient, #37)