Afterglow of Empire: Egypt from the Fall of the New Kingdom to the Saite Renaissance
by Senior Research Fellow Aidan Dodson
Correio Do Outro Mundo, Contem a Relacao Da Junta
by Filopolo Filopolo
Hadriani Genitura - Die Astrologischen Fragmente Des Antigonos Von Nikaia (Texte Und Kommentare, #43)
by Stephan Heilen
Die Graber der Steinzeit im Saalegebiet (Vorgeschichtliche Forschungen, #15)
by Ulrich Fischer
Die Erhebung Attalus zum Gegenkaiser und der Fall Roms. Motive und Umsetzung
by Necati Gunes
"Ancient Rome" is the story of the greatest empire the world has ever known. Focusing on six momentous turning points that helped to shape Roman history, Simon Baker's gripping narrative charts the rise and fall of the world's first superpower - a political machine unmatched in its brutality, its genius, its lust for power. From the conquest of the Mediterranean beginning in the third century BC to the destruction of the empire at the hands of barbarian invaders some seven centuries later, we di...
Restitution de la Minerve En or Et Ivoire, de Phidias, Au Parthenon (Histoire)
by Antoine Quatremere De Quincy
The Fragments of Sophocles (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics, Volume 3)
Sir Richard Jebb (1841-1905) was the most distinguished classicist of his generation, a Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and University Orator, subsequently Professor of Greek at Glasgow University and finally Regius Professor of Greek at Cambridge, and a Member of Parliament for the University. At his death, his planned volumes of the fragments of Sophocles, which would complete his edition of the complete plays and fragments, were not ready for publication, and the final editing of these...
Das mathematische Weltbild der Maya (Grazer Altertumskundliche Studien, #6)
by Andrea Schalley
Als Gesamtdarstellung des mathematisch-astronomischen Wissens der Maya vermittelt diese Studie einen umfassenden UEberblick uber die Mathematik und die mit ihr verbundenen Bereiche. Neben Ergebnissen der Forschung, die einander kritisch gegenuber gestellt werden, gleichzeitig aber die Basis dieser Untersuchung darstellen, liefert der Ruckgriff auf Inschriften aus der Klassik und die postklassischen Kodizes Einsichten in den abstrakten Zahlbegriff, die Arithmetik, die zyklische Zeitvorstellung un...
Argues that geographical, agricultural, and social factors shaped the civilizations which developed in various climatic regions, and explains how the success of civilizations depends on environmental resources.
Die Studie verfolgt die Absicht, die bislang wissenschaftlich weitgehend 'stiefmutterlich' behandelten arkadischen Poleis Pheneos und Lousoi in ihrer historischen Entwicklung zu verfolgen. Dies geschieht auf der Basis von antiken literarischen und epigraphischen Quellen und archaologischen Evidenzen. Im Laufe dreier Surveys konnte der Bestand an archaologischen Zeugnissen vervielfacht werden. Eine Synopse des erschlossenen Quellenmaterials gestattet Einblicke in die politische Geschichte und gib...
Travels of Anacharsis the Younger in Greece, During the Middle of the Fourth Century Before the Christian Era; 6
The early history of Cumbria has few books dedicated to the subject the Roman's are often the main theme. And while Cumbria was part of Rome's most northern frontier its non Roman history is even greater. it has Battles, Heroes, Legends a cross roads of history it has everything to offer any Hollywood Epic but its history while true has largely been overlooked by historians. Cumbria while part of England has little in the way of Anglo-Saxon culture its people are the descendants of Briton's, Vik...
The Story of the Greeks (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)
by H a Guerber
Grunde fur die Christenverfolgung zwischen 64 und 249 n. Chr.
by Sebastian Flock