'A perfect blend of cutting-edge science and compelling storytelling. Daniel Davis has a rare knack for making complex science comprehensible and thrilling' BILL BRYSON Welcome to a revolution in the science of you. Recent and dramatic breakthroughs in our understanding of the body will profoundly change the experience of being human in the coming century. Already they are opening up boundary-breaking possibilities for intervention at every level, from our brains and genes to our microbiomes...
Anti-Inflammatory Diet (All Natural Solutions for Healing Inflammation Along with An, #1)
by Susan Hollister
Découvrez Comment Echapper Aux Bactéries, Virus, Epidémies
by Jean Nkouta
A Journal for Tracking Symptoms and Triggers Caused by Chronic Illness
by Digital Bread
Grief Diaries (Grief Diaries)
by Lynda Cheldelin Fell, Barbara J Hopkinson, and Daphne Greer
Most illnesses start in the gut, including many you would not even think of! If your gut isn’t functioning right, it sets the stage for illness and disease. The gut, the gastrointestinal system, is designed to absorb nutrients that support our bodies and help us make energy, and get rid of things that we don’t need or are toxic. But what happens when the system breaks down? Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) occurs when the lining of the small intestine is damaged, allowing foreign compounds to escape in...
The restrictions of an anti-inflammatory diet can make eating healthy feel like deprivation. Peace of Cake offers an easy, long-term solution that doesn’t ignore the taste buds. Anti-inflammatory health coach Jenny Carr designed a streamlined approach to an anti-inflammatory diet that focuses on one, simple food group. On this plan, the remainder of the top inflammatory foods fall by the wayside, and a healthy lifestyle falls into place. Peace of Cake reveals how to reverse chronic health issues...