Microtia Atresia y Su Hijo
by Haley M Roberson Pa-C and Joseph B Roberson, Jr
by Meniere Man
Targeting the specific problems learners have with language structure, these multi-sensory exercises appeal to all age groups including adults. Exercises use sight, sound and touch and are also suitable for English as an Additional Lanaguage and Basic Skills students. Word Wheels includes off-the-shelf resources including lesson plans and photocopiable worksheets, downloadable resources with practice exercises, and support material for the busy teacher or non-specialist staff, as well as homewo...
A Holistic Approach To Treat Tinnitus Naturally Based On A Personal Experience
by Rabih Z Al Itani
With all the distractions that are part of our waking hours, it is no wonder that the simplest sounds of an ordinary day are overlooked and taken for granted. Sounds like the crackling of ice, raindrops on a rooftop, the rumble of an approaching storm, and even turning the page of a book are so commonplace that we seldom--if at all--take time to appreciate them. Yet, when the ability to hear these everyday sounds is taken away-as in Marsha Engle's case-we are humbly reminded of their value. As...
Sprachverstehen Bei Kindern
by Claudia Hachul and Wilma Schoenauer-Schneider
For twenty-two years, Katherine Bouton had a secret that grew harder to keep every day: she had gone profoundly deaf in her left ear; her right was getting worse. Audiologists agree that we're experiencing a national epidemic of hearing impairment. At present, 50 million Americans suffer some degree of hearing loss. Using her own experience as a guide, Bouton examines the problem personally, psychologically, and physiologically, illuminating the startling effects of this invisible disability.
Pflegehelfer/in und die Betreuung von Gehörlosen und Schwerhörigen.
by Martin Sterling
If you've picked up this book, talking is probably pretty hard for you. Maybe you really want to talk but feel too nervous to do it when lots of eyes are on you. Perhaps you can talk to certain people but not others or you can only speak a few words in a soft voice. No matter what you are going through, the tips and activities in this book can help you to feel braver about talking.Selective mutism can be tricky to manage. This workbook helps you and your child formulate a plan for exposure activ...
Nobody Deserves Not Being Able To Have A Voice. Thank You For Helping Me Find Mine. SLP
by Susan Scott