Finding Food For Survival - A Guide to Trapping and Battling Terrains
by John Davidson and M Usman
The Advanced Fitness Instructor's Handbook (Fitness Professionals)
by David Archer and Morc Coulson
The Advanced Fitness Instructor's Handbook follows on from The Fitness Instructor's Handbook. It is the first textbook to cover the National Occupational Standards and the Qualifications framework for Level 3 and Level 4 Instructors teaching Exercise and Fitness - required to teach one-on-one, and the standards which gyms are increasingly expecting staff to attain.
A refreshed and redesigned edition of this popular handy-sized guide to dreams and their meanings. Throughout history and across many different cultures, dreams and dreaming have had much importance attached to them. From the Ancient Greeks to Sigmund Freud and today's mind/body/spirit gurus, people have sought to use the interpretation of dreams as a means of unlocking the mysteries of the subconscious. This updated edition of Collins Gem Understanding Dreams allows you to u...
A clear, accessible guide to how to revolutionize your life through conscious, healthy breathing, written by a highly experienced yoga and meditation teacher Beautifully illustrated with a combination of evocative artwork and serene photography that accompanies the easy-to-follow step-by-step text While firmly rooted in the yoga tradition, this book offers up the tools for absolutely anyone to enhance their well-being - from yoga practitioners and meditators to insomniacs, stressed-out city dwel...
Self-Care Anywhere
by Gary M Skole, Scott Greenberg, and Michael Gazsi
Eat Move Sleep will help make good decisions automatic - more than a book - this is a new way to live. From Tom Rath, author of StrengthsFinders 2.0, comes a powerful book about what people can do to lead healthier lives. Eat Move Sleep features Tom's deeply personal story, supported by practical, credible, and timeless ideas from more than a decade of research. Eat Move Sleep focuses on all three components and their interconnectedness. Comprehensive yet simple, rooted in cutting edge research,...
The Running Clinic from world-renowned physiotherapist Blaise Dubois offers runners and running clinicians a modern, comprehensive guide to healthy running. Collecting the best advice from 50 international experts on training, injury prevention, sports nutrition, and technique, The Running Clinic reveals the latest research and the real-world practices of top scientists, academics, and professional athletes. Packed with 400 color illustrations, this 500-page reference will help runners troublesh...
Live Long and Prosper "Super Ager is manual for living well, aging with grace and keeping that youthful bounce in your step." Darren Main, author of Yoga and the Path of the Urban Mystic #1 New Release in Diets & Nutrition, Gerontology, and Aging One of America's top yoga and embodied mindfulness teachers reveals secrets and practices for optimal aging Relationships matter. Super Ager has everything you need to know to "live long and prosper"; from movement, diet, fasting, brain and memory...
When Your Adult Child Breaks Your Heart
by Joel Young and Christine Adamec
Behind nearly every adult who is accused of a crime, becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, or who is severely mentally ill and acting out in public, there is usually at least one extremely stressed-out parent. This parent may initially react with the bad news of their adult child behaving badly with, "Oh no!" followed by, "How can I help to fix this?" A very common third reaction is the thought, "Where did I go wrong--was it something I said or did, or that I failed to do when my child was growi...