Tips for Container Gardening: 300 Great Ideas for Growing Flowers, Vegetables, and Herbs
Truth be told, you can grow almost anything in a pot and you can place those pots anywhere...on a deck, patio or rooftop. That's why so many people love container gardening. It's versatile enough for rural homeowners with acres of land as well as apartment-dwellers with no patch of ground to call their own. In fact, growing edibles in containers is a perfect way for homeowners and gardeners with limited space to have fresh food in their kitchens. Like each issue of "Fine Gardening", this latest...
Perennials for Minnesota and Wisconsin
by Don Engebretson and Don Williamson
High-temperature Superconductivity (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics)
One of the most exciting developments in modern physics has been the discovery of the new class of oxide materials with high superconducting transition temperature. Systems with Tc well above liquid nitrogen temperature are already a reality and higher Tc's are anticipated. Indeed, the idea of a room-temperature superconductor, which just a short time ago was considered science fiction, appears to be a distinctly possible outcome of materials research. To address the need to train students and s...
Hastings' Nursery Annual, 1927 (Classic Reprint)
by H G Hastings Company
Picosecond Electronics and Optoelectronics II (Springer Series in Electronics and Photonics, #24)
Over the past five years, there has been an enormous increase in the inter est in and understanding of electronic and optoelectronic devices operating in the picosecond (multigigahertz) range. This has been fueled in a sig nificant way by the spectacular advances in picosecond laser technology, electro optic sampling, III-V devices, and wideband fiber optic systems. Partly to address these advances, a new conference jointly sponsored by the IEEE Lasers and Electrooptics Society (IEEE (LEOS)) a...
Safety First Fruit Book of Whole-Root Process Trees, 1932
by Golden Eagle Nursery
Cognition and Sentence Production (Springer Series in Language and Communication, #22)
by S N Sridhar
The developments in linguistic theory over the last three decades have given us a better understanding of the formal properties of language. However, as the truism goes, language does not exist in a vacuum. It in teracts with a cognitive system that involves much more than language and functions as the primary instrument of human communication. A theory of language must, therefore, be based on an integration of its for mal properties with its cognitive and communicative dimensions. The present...
This is a well-balanced introduction to topology that stresses geometric aspects. Focusing on historical background and visual interpretation of results, it emphasizes spaces with few dimensions, where visualization is possible, and interaction with combinatorial group theory via the fundamental group. It also present algorithms for topological problems. Most of the results and proofs are known, but some have been simplified or placed in a new perspective. Over 300 illustrations, many interestin...
Mathematical Modeling in Ecology (Mathematical Modeling, #3)
by C Jeffries
Mathematical ecology is the application of mathematics to describe and understand ecosystems. There are two main approaches. One is to describe natural communities and induce statistical patterns or relationships which should generally occur. However, this book is devoted entirely to introducing the student to the second approach: to study deterministic mathematical models and, on the basis of mathematical results on the models, to look for the same patterns or relationships in nature. This book...
Current experimental systems in industry, government, and the military take advantage of knowledge-based processing. For example, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) are supporting the develop ment of information systems that contain diverse, vast, and growing repositories of data (e.g., vast databases storing geographic informa tion). These systems require powerful reasoning capabilities and pro cessing such as data processing...
Differential-Geometrical Methods in Statistics (Lecture Notes in Statistics, #28)
by Shun-ichi Amari
From the reviews: "In this Lecture Note volume the author describes his differential-geometric approach to parametrical statistical problems summarizing the results he had published in a series of papers in the last five years. The author provides a geometric framework for a special class of test and estimation procedures for curved exponential families. ... ... The material and ideas presented in this volume are important and it is recommended to everybody interested in the connection between s...
Prairie plants are among the toughest of all ornamentals. While they fascinate gardeners with their beauty and versatility, they require little maintenance. They are highly resistant to insect and disease damage, and they need not be replanted every year. In recent years, the idea of growing prairie plants has gained increasing appeal among gardeners. Bob and Beatrice Smith have prepared this practical growing guide based on their more than fourteen years of experience and experimentation for al...