Indian Sketches (American Exploration & Travel S.)
by John Treat Irving
Volume 6 (Corpus of Maya Hieroglyphic Inscriptions)
by Ian Graham and Peter Mathews
Relation of the Troubles Which Have Happened in New England by Reason of the Indians There
by Increase Mather
Historical Account of Bouquet's Expedition Against the Ohio Indians in 1764
by Henry Bouquet
The Material Culture of the Klamath Lake and Modoc Indians of Northeastern California and Southern Oregon (1910)
by Samuel A Barrett
Comanches and Germans on the Texas Frontier
by Dr Daniel J Gelo and Professor Christopher J Wickham
Dakota Prisoner of War Letters Dakota Kasapi Okicize Wowapi
by Clifford Canku and Michael Simon
Primeros Memoriales is published here for the first time in its entirety both in the original Nahuatl and in English translation. The volume follows the manuscript order reconstructed for the Primeros Memoriales by Francisco del Paso y Troncoso in his 1905-1907 facsimile edition of the collection of Sahaguntine manuscripts he called Codices Matritenses. During the 1960s, Thelma D. Sullivan, a Nahuatl scholar living in Mexico, began a paleographic transcription of the Primeros Memoriales, along...
The Tahltan Indians; Sacred Bundles of the Sac and Fox Indians
by George T Emmons and Professor M R Harrington
Transforming Indigeneity is an examination of the role that language revitalization efforts play in cultural politics in the small city of Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira, located in the Brazilian Amazon. Sarah Shulist concentrates on how debates, discussions, and practices aimed at providing support for the Indigenous languages of the region shed light on both global issues of language revitalization and on the meaning of Indigeneity in contemporary Brazil. With 19 Indigenous languages still spoken...
nehiyawewin: paskwawi-pikiskwewin / Cree Language of the Plains Language Lab Workbook
by Jean L Okimasis
The newly updated lab manual for the latest edition of Cree: Language of the Plains. This language lab workbook is a comprehensive companion resource to renowned Cree language scholar Jean L. Okimasis's Cree: Language of the Plains textbook. Updated and redesigned, this educational resource offers a broad range of learning materials and exercises that are easily accessible to Cree language learners. The complete collection includes the new edition of the Cree language textbook, this language lab...
The Urine Dance Of The Zuni Indians Of New Mexico (1920)
by John G Bourke
Recitational Permutations of the Saunakiya Atharvaveda (Harvard Oriental, #61) (Harvard Oriental (HUP))
by Madhav M. Deshpande
This is a critical edition of the Kramapatha and Jatapatha forms of recitational permutations of several sections of the Saunakiya Atharvaveda available in six rare manuscripts found in Pune, India. Such recitational variations for the Atharvaveda are no longer available in the surviving oral tradition in India, and hence the texts, critically edited here, provide rare access to these materials. Some of these recitational variations are defined in the ancient text, Saunakiya Caturadhyayika, whic...
Legends, Customs and Social Life of the Seneca Indians of Western New York (1878)
by John Wentworth Sanborn
A Grammar of Upper Tanana, Volume 1 provides a linguistically accurate written record of the endangered Upper Tanana language. Serving as a descriptive grammar of Upper Tanana, the book meticulously details a language that is currently fluently spoken by approximately fifty people in limited parts of Alaska's eastern interior and Canada's Yukon Territory. As part of the Dene (Athabascan) language group, Upper Tanana embodies elements of both the Alaskan and Canadian subgroups of Northern Dene. T...
nehiyawetan kikinahk / Speaking Cree in the Home
by Andrea Custer and Belinda Daniels
Speaking Cree in the Home , Belinda Daniels and Andrea Custer provide an introductory text to help families immerse themselves, their children, and their homes in nehiyawewin -the Cree language. Despite the colonial attacks on Cree culture, language, and peoples, Custer and Daniels remind readers that the traditional ways of knowing and transferring knowledge to younger generations have not been lost and can be revived in the home, around the table, every day. Speaking Cree in the Home is an app...