Lonely Planet Nepali Phrasebook & Dictionary (Phrasebook)
by Mary-Jo O'Rourke, Bimal Man Shrestha, and Krishna Pradhan
Lonely Planet Nepali Phrasebook & Dictionary is your passport to the most relevant Nepali phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Know how to organise your mountaineering trip safely and responsibly, bargain with humour in the local bazaars, or order the best momos this side of Mount -all with your trusted travel companion. With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now! Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find P...
Travelwise: Croatian (Travelwise language)
by Barron's Educational Series
This guide will give any traveller a great s tart in picking up practical words, phrases and general info rmation for nearly all situations. The book includes informa tive street and subway maps for some large cities, and two s hort dictionary sections '
Berlitz Language: Croatian Phrase Book & Dictionary (PHRASE BOOK & DIC)
A fresh, crisp new design re-launches this perennial bestseller. More user-friendly thanks to improved colour-coding and new categories, this is the phrase book created by the people for the people. Ideal for travellers of all ages who are looking for a reliable and up-to-date Croatian phrase book that contains all the phrases they really need when they are in Croatia.
These new design phrase books feature over 8000 phrases and full-colour photographs throughout. They are packed with even more everyday phrases needed to speak confidently and practical advice and cultural tips sections help travellers to understand the country they are visiting. Full-colour photographs help visually explain the currency, cash machines, ticket machines, motoring signs & much more. Bright, colour-coded sections enable access the phrase they need instantly and a new chapter focuse...
Der Osten Des Ostens (Postcolonial Perspectives on Eastern Europe, #1)
Die Beitrage dieses Bandes belegen, dass der Begriff des Orientalismus zu einem wichtigen Arbeits- und Erkenntnisinstrument der kulturwissenschaftlich erneuerten Slavistik geworden ist. Der Plural "Orientalismen" oeffnet das Feld fur sehr verschiedenartige Konstellationen, die vom Kaukasus in der russischen Romantik uber die AEgypten-Bilder der russischen Moderne bis zu den Filmschulen Mittelasiens und zum Tschetschenien-Konflikt, vom polnischen Barockzeitalter bis zum Avantgarde-Roman der Zwisc...
Berlitz Phrase Book & Dictionary Croatian (Bilingual dictionary) (Berlitz Phrasebooks)
by Berlitz Publishing Company
Berlitz Croatian Phrase Book and Dictionary with Free App The essential travel companion from the world-renowned language experts.This pocket-sized phrase book and dictionary from our language experts is all you need to make yourself understood - and to understand others - when you're out and about in Croatia.Features of this Croatian Phrase Book and Dictionary: - Over 8,000 words and phrases: communicate with ease in every situation- Colour-coded sections organised by theme: go from the airport...
Never get lost in translation again! Ideal for the vacation or business traveler, the handy, pocket-size "Harrap's Croatian Phrasebook" covers every topic - from trains, planes, and automobiles, to hotels, health, and restaurants. You get instant access to thousands of essential words and phrases, organized in chapters by theme, that explain what questions to ask, how to ask them clearly and correctly, and what kinds of answers to expect in reply. This title includes a fold-out map of Dubrovnik.
Never get lost in translation again! Ideal for the vacation or business traveler, the handy, pocket-size Harrap’s Turkish Phrasebook covers everytopic--from trains, planes, and automobiles, to hotels, health, and restaurants. You get instant access to thousands of essential words and phrases, organized inchapters by theme, that explain what questions to ask, how to ask them clearly and correctly, and what kinds of answers to expect in reply. Includes a fold-out map of Istanbul.
This lightweight, portable pack features a phrase book from the bestselling Berlitz range plus a CD providing you with the key phrases to get the most out of your trip. The phrase book features over 8,000 everyday phrases that every traveller needs to speak confidently, plus a menu reader and culture tips to help you understand the country you are visiting. Full-colour photographs throughout help explain visually the currency, cash machines, ticket machines, motoring signs & much more. The CD fe...
Die Lautgeschichte Des Mittelalterlichen Slavischen in Griechenland (Schriften Ueber Sprachen Und Texte, #12)
by Elisabeth Skach
Lonely Planet Burmese Phrasebook & Dictionary (Phrasebook) (Lonely Planet Phrasebook)
by Vicky Bowman
Lonely Planet Burmese Phrasebook & Dictionary is your passport to the most relevant Burmese phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs. Find out-of-the-way temples, learn the etiquette of visiting someone's home and bargain for fruit at a market -all with your trusted travel companion. With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now! Get More From Your Trip with Easy-to-Find Phrases for Every Travel Situation! Fee...
In der Forschung wurden die Zusammenhange der slavischen Rhapsodik mit fruhgeschichtlichen mythischen Quellen oft bestritten oder wegdiskutiert. In dieser Arbeit wird der Versuch unternommen, die Beziehungen vor allem sudslavischer und russischer Volksballaden (Bylinen) mit der erhaltenen Epik der klassischen Antike (Homer) und anderer Kulturen herzustellen. Dies schafft vielfach uberraschende neue Perspektiven nicht nur in der Motivgeschichte, sondern auch in der Geschichte dieser Kulturen allg...
Slawische Literaturen - Oesterreichische Literatur(en) (Wechselwirkungen, #12)
by Fedor B Poljakov and Stefan Simonek
UEber zwanzig Aufsatze von Gunther Wytrzens werden in diesem Band erstmals in gebundelter und komplementierender Form vorgelegt. Die zum Teil bisher auf Deutsch nicht erhaltlichen Aufsatze thematisieren die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den slawischen Literaturen und OEsterreich. Wytrzens' Studien reichen vom Zeitalter Peters des Grossen bis zur Moderne und von der bulgarischen uber die polnische bis zur russischen Literatur. Sie behandeln eine Vielzahl von komparatistischen Fragestellungen jensei...
Zentrum Und Peripherie in Den Slavischen Und Baltischen Sprachen Und Literaturen (Slavica Helvetica, #71)
With stunning new design and layout and the most up-to-date travel information, the market's most indispensable phrasebook CD pack has been reinvented, and is better than ever. Gem Croatian CD Pack will give you the right word at the right time - every time. In all of the most common travel situations, you need the reassurance that you can communicate with ease. A reliable, portable and easy-to-use phrasebook is a travel essential, and now with the completely re-designed Collins Gem Cr...
Low Calorie Cookbook (Calorie Calories Recipes Cookbook Under Diet Slender Recipe Book Low Calorie Snacks Low Calorie Cook)
by Charlie Mason
Lonely Planet Croatian Phrasebook & Dictionary (Phrasebook)
by Gordana & Ivan Ivetac
Never be stuck for words with our extensive dictionary. Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical and social words and phrases. Chat with the locals and discover their culture, a guaranteed way to enrich your travel experience. Get more from your trip with easy-to-find phrases for every travel situation. Order the right meal with our menu vocabulary. Use our carefully selected words and phrases to get around with ease.